DSRemote library

Do you ever want to control DewesoftX but you found out that DCOM is hard to understand and Dewesoft NET protocol even harder? With the help of C DLL named DSRemote you will be able to control and get data from the DewesoftX as easy as never before.

Do you ever want to control DewesoftX but you found out that DCOM (short for Distributed Component Object Model) is hard to understand and Dewesoft NET protocol even harder? With the help of C DLL (short for dynamic link library) named DSRemote you will be able to control and get data from the DewesoftX as easy as never before.

To install DSRemote you need to go to our page. Under the development section, you need to find DSRemote. Note that you have to be logged in to access the developer section. 

After downloading, you will have a zip that contains examples written in python, C++ and in Labview. Version 1.1.0 or newer is needed in case you want to use Dewesoft NET option.

DSRemote is a DLL written in the C programming language. This DLL can be used in any programming language as long as it has support for C type DLL’s. The data gotten from the DewesoftX can be used in post-analysis software or can be used to store data in databases. DSRemote can use two different protocols to communicate with DewesoftX. They are called DCOM and Dewesoft NET protocol. DCOM is a proprietary Microsoft technology for communication between software components. This technology is used in Dewesoft extensions and Sequencer as the backend for communication with DewesoftX. Dewesoft NET protocol on the other hand consists of two network protocols. To control DewesoftX before the measurement the Telnet protocol is used. After we switch to measurement DewesoftX starts to send us the data in TCP/IP stream of data.

To use DSRemote there are some requirements.
- You need to use the DewesoftX version 2022.1 or higher.
- It’s recommended that the last version of C++ redistributable be installed on the computer.
- In case you are using the Dewesoft NET protocol you need a license for it.

For better performance and when having distributed system, it is recommended to use the Dewesoft NET protocol even in case you are reading data from the same computer (local connection).

Which functions does the DSRemote cover:

  • Loading setup
  • Getting basic properties from the channel (unit or name)
  • Hiding or showing DewesoftX UI
  • Start/Stop measurement
  • Reading data from the channels
  • Writing values to control channels

Now we will take a look at how these functions are implemented in the DSRemote DLL. Before we can call functions from the DLL you need to make an instance. To make this instance you need to call function.

int dsconCreateInstance(DSXInstanceHandle* handle, int connectionType);

As the first parameter, you send a handle by the reference. This handle presents a connection to DewesoftX software. As the second parameter you define what kind of connection you want to make to the DewesoftX software. For now, as stated before we support two types of connection. DCOM and Dewesoft NET. In the DLL they are defined as

typedef enum {

Where 0 presents DCOM connection and 1 NET connection. To make a NET connection we call the function like.

dsconCreateInstance(dsconInstance, DSX_CONNECTION_TYPE_NET)

After calling this function we will get an instance that will be used to control DewesoftX. With acquired instances, we can call other functions. Before we can fully control DewesoftX we first need to connect to it. To connect to DewesoftX we need to call

int dsconConnect(DSXInstanceHandle handle, char* connectionString)

Where the first parameter will be an instance that we got from the dsconCreateInstance and the second parameter is the string that gives us the information about the connection. In case we will use DCOM protocol this parameter can be empty. For the Dewesoft NET protocol, this parameter consists of information delimited with a colon. This information presents the address that we will connect over the ethernet. For example, if we want to connect to a computer with IP that uses for Telnet communication port 8999 and for data transmission port 8001 then we define a string as

About these settings, you can read more about them in the pro tutorial for Dewesoft NET or our manual.

After we are connected to DewesoftX we are ready to do things.

Now let's take a look at an example

from ctypes import *
import ctypes from ctypes.wintypes import *
import time
import numpy as np 

def doErrCheck(err_code, descr):
  if err_code < 0:
    print(str(descr) + " errCode: " + str(err_code))
  return err_code 

hllDll = WinDLL ("C:\\DXEProjects\\Tools\\DSRemoteConnect\\DSRemoteConnect\\Debug\\DSRemoteConnect64.dll")
dsconInstance = HANDLE()
doErrCheck(hllDll.dsconCreateInstance(pointer(dsconInstance), 1), "dsconCreateInstance")
charArray = create_string_buffer("".encode())
doErrCheck(hllDll.dsconConnect(dsconInstance, charArray), "dsconConnect")
numChannels = c_size_t()
doErrCheck(hllDll.dsconGetChannelCount(dsconInstance, byref(numChannels)), "dsconGetChannelCount")

# Second way of enumerating Channels
labelsPtr = pointer((POINTER(ctypes.c_char_p) * numChannels.value)()) localValue = c_size_t(numChannels.value)
hllDll.dsconEnumerateChannels(dsconInstance, labelsPtr, byref(localValue))
name = (c_char * 50)()
ch_name   = ctypes.cast(name, c_char_p)
unit = (c_char * 50)()
ch_unit   = ctypes.cast(name, c_char_p)
ch_instances = []

for i in range(0, numChannels.value):
  name = (c_char * len(labelsPtr[0][0][i]))()
  ch_index   = ctypes.cast(name, c_char_p)
  ch_index.value = labelsPtr[0][0][i]
  ch_instance = HANDLE()
  hllDll.dsconCreateChannelInstance(dsconInstance, ch_index, pointer(ch_instance))
  hllDll.dsconChannelGetName(ch_instances[i], ch_name, 50)
  hllDll.dsconGetChUnit(ch_instances[i], ch_unit, 50)

doErrCheck(hllDll.dsconChannelSetTransferred(ch_instances[len(ch_instances) - 1], False), 'dsconChannelSetTransferred')
doErrCheck(hllDll.dsconStartMeasurement(dsconInstance), "dsconStartMeasurement")
data2 = ctypes.cast((c_double * 100000)(), POINTER(c_double))
time_stamps2 = ctypes.cast((c_double * 100000)(), POINTER(c_double))
count = 0
while True:
    countData2 = c_size_t(100000)
    for i in range(len(ch_instances)):
      doErrCheck(hllDll.dsconChannelReadScalarData_2(ch_instances[i], data2, time_stamps2, byref(countData2)), "dsconChannelReadScalarData_2"
    doErrCheck(hllDll.dsconControlChannelWriteData(ch_instances[1], c_double(0.69 + count)), "dsconControlChannelWriteValue1")
    doErrCheck(hllDll.dsconControlChannelWriteData(ch_instances[2], c_double(0.70 + count)), "dsconControlChannelWriteValue2")
    doErrCheck(hllDll.dsconControlChannelWriteData(ch_instances[3], c_double(0.71 + count)), "dsconControlChannelWriteValue3")
    count += 1 
    print("While interrupted")

doErrCheck(hllDll.dsconStopMeasurement(dsconInstance), "dsconStopMeasurement")
doErrCheck(hllDll.dsconDisconnect(dsconInstance), "") # this will close Dewesoft.exe and clear the DCOM
for i in range(0, numChannels.value - 1):
  doErrCheck(hllDll.dsconFreeChannelInstance(ch_instances[i]), "dsconFreeChannelInstance") # this will free chnl instances of dll
doErrCheck(hllDll.dsconDestroyInstance(dsconInstance), "dsconDestroyInstance") # this will free dll instance

The example is written in python. This example uses Dewesoft Net as protocol and firstly outputs the channels that are present in the setup and outputs their name and unit. After listing information, we go into measure mode and read the data. After the data is read, we write some values to control the channel. Now let’s look at the code by sections.

In the following section, we are listing the channels and outputting the channel name and unit.

numChannels = c_size_t()
doErrCheck(hllDll.dsconGetChannelCount(dsconInstance, byref(numChannels)), "dsconGetChannelCount")

# Second way of enumerating Channel
labelsPtr = pointer((POINTER(ctypes.c_char_p) * numChannels.value)())
localValue = c_size_t(numChannels.value)
hllDll.dsconEnumerateChannels(dsconInstance, labelsPtr, byref(localValue))
name = (c_char * 50)()
ch_name   = ctypes.cast(name, c_char_p)
unit = (c_char * 50)()
ch_unit   = ctypes.cast(name, c_char_p)
ch_instances = []

for i in range(0, numChannels.value):
  name = (c_char * len(labelsPtr[0][0][i]))()
  ch_index   = ctypes.cast(name, c_char_p)
  ch_index.value = labelsPtr[0][0][i]
  ch_instance = HANDLE()
  hllDll.dsconCreateChannelInstance(dsconInstance, ch_index, pointer(ch_instance))
  hllDll.dsconChannelGetName(ch_instances[i], ch_name, 50)
  hllDll.dsconGetChUnit(ch_instances[i], ch_unit, 50)

Before we can loop over all the channels we need to find out how many channels are there. To get this information we need to call the function

int dsconGetChannelCount(DSXInstanceHandle handle, size_t* count);

As the first parameter, we pass the instance that we described in the section. As the second parameter, we by reference pass the value. After calling this function, the number of channels that are present in the DewesoftX will be stored in this variable. Before we can access the properties we need to get the unique ID that presents a channel. To get the unique ID’s we call the function.

int dsconEnumerateChannels(DSXInstanceHandle handle, ChannelIdList* channelIdList, size_t* count);

This will return values by reference. The second parameter will return an array of strings, each element representing unique ID for each DewesoftX channel. The last parameter returns how many channels are there present in the array. Unique IDs are used to create DewesoftX channel instances. To create a channel instance we call function.

int dsconCreateChannelInstance(DSXInstanceHandle handle, ChannelID id, ChannelInstanceHandle* chInstance);

The channel instance is returned as the third parameter by reference. With the acquired channel instance we can get info about channel name and channel unit. To get the channel name we call the function

int dsconChannelGetName(ChannelInstanceHandle channel, char* name, size_t len);

and to get the channel unit we call the function

int dsconGetChUnit(ChannelInstanceHandle handle, char* resultUnit, size_t len);

After each call, we print it to standard output.

In the next section, we will take a look at how to read and write the data to channels. Let's take a look at the section.

doErrCheck(hllDll.dsconStartMeasurement(dsconInstance), "dsconStartMeasurement")
data2 = ctypes.cast((c_double * 100000)(), POINTER(c_double))
time_stamps2 = ctypes.cast((c_double * 100000)(), POINTER(c_double))
count = 0

while True:
    countData2 = c_size_t(100000)
    for i in range(len(ch_instances))):
      doErrCheck(hllDll.dsconChannelReadScalarData_2(ch_instances[i], data2, time_stamps2, byref(countData2)), "dsconChannelReadScalarData_2")

    doErrCheck(hllDll.dsconControlChannelWriteData(ch_instances[1], c_double(0.69 + count)), "dsconControlChannelWriteValue1")
    doErrCheck(hllDll.dsconControlChannelWriteData(ch_instances[2], c_double(0.70 + count)), "dsconControlChannelWriteValue2")
    doErrCheck(hllDll.dsconControlChannelWriteData(ch_instances[3], c_double(0.71 + count)), "dsconControlChannelWriteValue3")
    count += 1

    print("While interrupted")

doErrCheck(hllDll.dsconStopMeasurement(dsconInstance), "dsconStopMeasurement")
doErrCheck(hllDll.dsconDisconnect(dsconInstance), "") # this will close Dewesoft.exe and clear the DC
for i in range(0, numChannels.value - 1)
  doErrCheck(hllDll.dsconFreeChannelInstance(ch_instances[i]), "dsconFreeChannelInstance") # this will free chnl instances of dewesoft
doErrCheck(hllDll.dsconDestroyInstance(dsconInstance), "dsconDestroyInstance") # this will free dll instance

Before we can start reading or writing the data we first need to go to the measure. To switch to measure mode we need to call the function

int dsconStartMeasurement(DSXInstanceHandle handle);

After this call, we can read and write the data to channels. This library supports reading the data from any channel but only supports writing to control channels. To know if the channel is the control you need to call the function.

int dsconIsChannelControl(ChannelInstanceHandle handle, bool* result);

Before we can read the data we need to allocate a local buffer. The samples from the channels will be added to this buffer. If you take a look at python we see in the following code

data2 = ctypes.cast((c_double * 100000)(), POINTER(c_double))
time_stamps2 = ctypes.cast((c_double * 100000)(), POINTER(c_double)

That we are preallocating local buffer for data and timestamps. The size is 100000 double values. The size of the local buffer depends on how many values from DewesoftX values will be copied. In case the preallocated buffer is too small, samples in DewesofX will be lost, because they will be overwritten. The following function:

int dsconChannelReadScalarData_2(ChannelInstanceHandle handle, double* data, double* timestamps, size_t * count); 

accepts several parameters. The first one accepts a channel instance which represents the channel from which we will read the data. The second and third parameters accept preallocated buffer as the fourth parameter the function accepts the size of the buffer. In case the number of samples available is lower than the size of the buffer it will change is accordingly to the number of added samples.

As pointed before we have also added a function to write to control channels. Function for writing values to control channels looks like this:

int dsconControlChannelWriteData(ChannelInstanceHandle handle, double data);

Same as in dsconChannelReadScalarData the first parameter represents the channel instance that is connected to the DewesoftX channel. The second parameter presents the value that we want to write to the control channel.

After we are done with the measurement we call the function:

int dsconStopMeasurement(DSXInstanceHandle handle);

After we are done with measurement and want to stop the program, we need to disconnect from the DewesoftX. To do this we call the function:

int dsconDisconnect(DSXInstanceHandle handle);

After we are disconnected, we also want the software to be closed correctly. The software will be closed correctly if we free all the instances we made during our software. To do this we have these functions:

int dsconFreeEnumerateChannels(DSXInstanceHandle handle, ChannelIdList* channelIdList)
int dsconFreeChannelInstance(ChannelInstanceHandle chInstance)
int dsconDestroyInstance(DSXInstanceHandle handle);

With dsconFreeEnumerateChannels we clean the array of strings that we made during the call of function dsconEnumerateChannels. With the function dsconFreeChannelInstance, you clean the channel instances that were made with the function dsconCreateChannelInstance. After all other instances are freed, we call the last function dsconDestroyInstance.