How To Setup Dewesoft X DAQ Software

Learn how to setup Dewesoft X according to your needs. Select the operation mode and see the hardware information. Learn how to add plugins and different extensions to perform the best measurement. Customize language, font size, background color, channel description), and much more.

Dewesoft has been developing leading data acquisition software for more than 20 years. Dewesoft X is the world's best data acquisition, recording, and data analysis software. Software received multiple international awards, is innovative, very easy to use, and requires no programming to acquire, store and analyze data from analog, digital, CAN, GPS, video, serial, and many other data sources. 

After you have successfully downloaded and installed the Dewesoft software it is time to set it up according to your needs. To access the settings in Dewesoft X, go to the top right corner of the program.

Entering settings buttonImage 1: Entering settings button

When you open the Settings, the following screen will appear, which shows us the basic structure:

 Image 2: Dewesoft settings structureImage 2: Dewesoft settings structure 


  • Devices - view the connected DAQ devices (Real measurement mode) or simulate channels (Offline mode) to make an offline setup.

Image 3: Dewesoft settings operation mode

  • Real measurement (DAQ devices (SIRIUS, DEWE-43, KRYPTON) are used to acquire data.)
  • Simulation (Offline mode can be used when we don't have any DAQ devices connected to our system and we want to simulate different types of channels to make an offline setup.)
  • Extensions - Add a plugin or extension according to your needs.
  • Global variables - Define the channels, that can be used in a sequencer, math section, or in displays.
  • Data header - Define the input fields for different operators.
  • Startup - Allow multiple instances of Dewesoft X or load a setup or a sequence as soon as Dewesoft X starts.
  • Performance - Select the application process priority, use multiple CPU cores, and define other performance characteristics.
  • User interface - Adjust Dewesoft X according to your wishes - change the language, font size, background color, and many other settings.
  • Files and folders - Define the starting folder where the setups, data files, and other database files are stored.
  • Storing - Create a zipped data file to reduce the file size or use the video compression.
  • Reports - Use your own company logo in reports when printing the data file.
  • Security - Lock the settings with a password. A password can also be used to change the setup, editing sensors, stopping the measurement, changing the sequence, or leaving the full screen.
  • Advanced - Set an advanced option for different areas, like hardware, visuals, math, diagnostics, and analysis.
  • Licensing - Enter license number and register software. You can choose between online or offline registration. To receive a fully functional 30-day evaluation license for Dewesoft X software fill and submit the form on our web page.

In the Real measurement mode, we can see all the devices that are connected to our system.

All Dewesoft devices (SIRIUS, DEWE-43, KRYPTON, SBOX, ECAT-SYNC JUNCTION) are automatically recognized, but there are some devices, that can't be connected automatically.

Dewesoft settingsImage 4: Dewesoft settings

On the left side of the window, the structure of the system is shown. On the SBOX system, we connected USB devices (SIRIUS, DEWE-43) and EtherCAT devices (KRYPTON, ECAT-SYNC JUNCTION).

Dewesoft settings Sbox systemImage 5: Dewesoft settings Sbox system

With the plus button, we add devices that are not recognized automatically and with the minus button, we can remove them.

Dewesoft settings add deviceImage 6: Dewesoft settings add device

 When adding a new device, we can select many different devices (Camera, Automotive bus, Dewesoft NET...). 

Adding standard devicesImage 7: Adding devices

If we have multiple slices, we can rearrange their sort order with the up and down buttons.

Changing order of the devices in Dewesoft settingsImage 8: Changing order of the devices

With the refresh button, we scan the whole structure of a system again.

Image 9: Refreshing device list

On the right side of the window, the properties of devices are shown and some settings can also be changed.


SBOX system

We can see the devices information (serial number, hardware, and firmware version).

Dewesoft settings Sbox system informationImage 10: Sbox system information

If the S-BOX system is used, the remote mode can be used to turn the SBOX on or off from the remote distance.

Sbox remote mode settingsImage 11: Sbox remote mode settings

The connector for power supply on SBOX has three pins, one is for voltage, one for a ground connection and one is a remote signal.

 Sbox power supply connector pinoutImage 12: Sbox power supply connector pinout 



  • Disabled: if the remote mode is disabled, SBOX can only be turned on or off by pressing the power button on the device.
  • Remote power ON on external pin: The SBOX can be remotely turned on. When the voltage signal comes to pin for remote, the SBOX is turned on.
  • Remote power ON and OFF on external pin: The SBOX can be remotely turned on or off. If the SBOX is off and the signal comes, it will be turned on. If the SBOX is on and the signal comes, it will be turned off.


In this case, we have connected multiple Dewesoft DAQ devices. If we select the DAQ device and click on it, we see the devices information (device number, serial number, hardware, and firmware version, temperature).

Dewesoft settings Sirius system informationImage 13: Sirius system information

Bridge amplifier offset shows us the initial amplifier offset. Sirius connects the input short on and the offset is measured.

Image 14: Sirius bridge amplifier offset

With the button Reset offsets, we clear the initial amplifier bridge offsets.

Cleared Sirius bridge adapter offsetImage 15: Cleared Sirius bridge adapter offset

Fan speed can be set only to Sirius devices. We can choose from default, minimum or maximum. The custom speed is defined with the percentage of the maximum fan speed. 

Sirius fan speed settingsImage 16: Sirius fan speed settings


We can change the CAN baud rate and CAN operation mode (Read only or Read/Write/Acknowledge).
Dewesoft devices CAN operation modeImage 17: CAN operation mode


Watchdog timer

Dewesoft X is quite often used in a much critical application where the control system depends on the data acquisition system or the data acquisition system outputs alarms used to warn the user or switch off the test. In such cases, it is important to know the operation state of the data acquisition system. Watchdog is a safety feature to switch on the digital output when the system is in operation and switches off if the data acquisition system becomes unresponsive. A timeout can be set to delay switching of the watchdog. This feature can be used with any Sirius slice having Digital output. For SIRIUS 8xSTGM DB special watchdog hardware (DS-WDT) is available which has four relay outputs for directly switching on and off. Relays can be programmed as the watchdog or standard alarm/manual outputs.

The Watchdog functionality enables an external way to monitor the behavior of the Dewesoft X software. To be able to use the watchdog a Sirius slice with a Digital out is needed or when using a single slice, the Sync signals can also be used. The slice must be connected in order to set up the watchdog.

Dewesoft watchdog timerImage 18: Dewesoft watchdog timer


Once enabled, the output selection can be made. Default settings are:

  • Digital output: Ctrl DO Clk
  • Timeout: 2 sec
  • Operation mode: Active in measure mode

Digital output menu selects on which digital output the watchdog functionality is enabled. When using the Watchdog module, which is connected to the Sirius slice via a 25 pin cable, this selector should be set to Ctrl DO 1.

The watchdog can be only mapped to one digital output!

The timeout value specifies the time in which the Dewesoft must reset the watchdog.

Operation mode can be selected from:

  • Always active in measure mode - watchdog functionality is active while Dewesoft X is in measure mode
  • Active in setup and measure mode - watchdog functionality is active while Dewesoft X is in channel setup and while in measure mode. 
  • Always active - watchdog is always active.
Watchdog timer operation modeImage 19: Watchdog timer operation mode


Digital output menu selects on which digital output the watchdog functionality is enabled. When using the Watchdog module, which is connected to the Sirius slice via a 25 pin cable, this selector should be set to Ctrl DO 1. The watchdog can be only mapped to one digital output!

The watchdog is not active while in Analysis mode!

The watchdog behavior is as follows:

  • When the slice is powered up, the module is in the Alarm state (Watchdog LED is RED). The slice does not retain any information about watchdog after power loss!
  • When Dewesoft X is started and no watchdog functionality was set for the slice in a previous session the LED light is RED
  • When the watchdog functionality is set, the following occurs:
    • Active in Ch. Setup is not set: The watchdog LED light is RED until the user switches to Measure mode; then the watchdog LED is GREEN. When switching back to channel setup mode the LED turns back to RED.
    • Active in Ch. Setup is set: The watchdog LED light is GREEN in both Channel setup and in Measure mode.
  • When disconnecting the slice from USB or turning off Dewesoft X software the watchdog will trigger (after the preset time in case of disconnect or computer/software freeze or immediately when exiting Dewesoft). The LED light will turn RED

The watchdog module itself has 3 additional outputs that are user-controlled via the A/D module. The respective A/D outputs are CTRL DO 2, CTRL DO 3 and CTRL DO 4.

All four outputs are relay-based with a possibility to connect with a NO (Normally open) or NC (Normally closed) position.

When the watchdog has triggered or upon power up the watchdog relay is not energized meaning that the NO position is OPEN and the NC position is SHORTED.


In DEWE-43 settings, we can change the CAN baud rate and CAN operation mode (Read only or Read/Write/Acknowledge). We can also see its name of the device, serial number, hardware version, and firmware version.

Image 20: DEWE-43



ECAT-SYNC-JUNCTION works in the same way as other Dewesoft USB devices. It is automatically recognized within Dewesoft X software. By default, ECAT-SYNC-JUNCTION will be set up to synchronize KRYPTON EtherCAT® and SIRIUS USB. The serial number and the firmware version can be seen and also updated.

Sync junction system informationImage 21: Sync junction system information



Under the KRYPTON section, serial number, hardware, and firmware versions are seen. Also, the firmware upgrade can be done.

Dewesoft Krypton system informationImage 22: Krypton system information


Channel setup sample rate

Channel setup sample rate defines the sample rate of channel setup. Channel setup sample rate does not run with the full acquisition sample rate but with the reduced one.

Dewesoft channel setup sample rateImage 23: Dewesoft channel setup sample rate


Let's take a look at a signal from a function generator (simple sine wave with 100 Hz). First, we let the channel setup sample rate at the default value, 20.000 s/s/ch.
When we enter the setup of the selected channel, we see the preview of the scope nicely.

Scope preview 20kHz/s/chImage 24: Scope preview 20ks/s/ch


Then we change the channel setup sample rate to 10 s/s/ch.
Now, the preview of the channel does not show the proper form of the signal, because it is sampled with a lower frequency than it should be.

Scope preview 10s/s/chImage 25: Scope preview 10s/s/ch


The basic idea of synchronization is to provide a clock signal from a  time source. Clock slave receives the signal from the clock provider and the devices are synchronized.

Devices can be synchronized in two different ways:

  • Software synchronization - The software synchronization accuracy is around 2-10 ms, which is enough for simple temperature measurement. This synchronization solution requires no additional hardware.
  • Hardware synchronization - It is a hardware solution that can synchronize all USB devices (SIRIUS, DEWE-43, ...) and EtherCAT devices.

We have connected one SIRIUS, one DEWE-43 and one KRYPTON measurement unit to the SBOX

Dewesoft settings device listImage 27: Dewesoft settings device list  

Time source

Dewesoft synchronization time source optionsImage 28: Synchronization time source options


The time source provides a clock for synchronization. It can be selected from:

  • Dewesoft DAQ devices (when we have a Dewesoft measurement device connected to our computer),
  • External (Clock/Trigger, IRIG-B DC, NTP, GPS PPS),
  • PC clock (when we have only a computer, without a measurement device),
  • GPS devices (Dewesoft RS232 (Topcon/Javad/NVS), NMEA compatible GPS, ...).

Synchronization types are dependent and automatically adjusted from the DAQ devices connected to our system.

Type of synchronization

If Dewesoft DAQ device is selected as a time source, a clock provider must be selected from:

Dewesoft synchronization clock provider optionsImage 29: Synchronization clock provider options

  • Automatic - this option automatically selects the best option for synchronization regarding the hardware connected to the system.
  • Standalone - only one device, there is no synchronization between devices needed.
  • SoftSync - this synchronization solution requires no additional hardware. The accuracy is > 10 ms.
  • Clock/Trigger - the clock of the device gives a trigger signal.
  • IRIG-B DC - It contains time-of-year and year information in a BCD format (it contains the information about the absolute time). This is the best way to synchronize the devices because it is the most exact one.
  • GPS PPS - Since the satellites are transmitting exact absolute time and better receivers usually output this pulse with high precision (below one microsecond), we can use this technology to synchronize remote systems - and there is no distance limit.
  • NTP - Network Time Protocol (NTP) is a networking protocol for clock synchronization between computer systems. It is less accurate than other methods.

    External NTP clock providerImage 30: External NTP clock provider

    To enter the addresses of the NTP server click the edit button near the drop-down menu. If you want to have more devices synchronized via NTP protocol, the same server address must be entered in all of them. 
    Check NTP serversImage 31: Check NTP servers


    When you check NTP servers, the time and date of the server will show. If the server address is wrong, the check will fail. 
    NTP server responseImage 32: NTP server response


    If the synchronization via NTP is successful, you will see a green clock next to the time in measure mode. 

Working synchronization in measurement

Image 33: Working timing

Synchronization between Dewesoft USB devices

AccuracyWhen to useDevice
Clock/trigger< 1 µsstationaryDewesoft, RoaDyn
IRIG-B DC< 1 µsstationaryDewesoft, Meinberg
GPS PPS< 1 µsmobileGPS receiver
NTP< 10 msethernetNTP server
SoftSync< 10 mswhen there is no external time source/

Any Dewesoft device can be precisely synchronized by hardware (SIRIUS, DEWE-43, MINITAURs, DS-CAN2).

When using the NET system, there are several possibilities that can be used for synchronization:

  • Clock/trigger - relative time
  • IRIG-B DC Master / IRIG-B DC Slave - absolute time
  • GPS - absolute time
  • NTP - absolute time

Clock/trigger connection example
Clock trigger connection exampleImage 34: Clock trigger connection example


IRIG-B DC connection example of one unit

a) The Dewesoft device as IRIG-B DC generator

IRIG-B DC connection exampleImage 35: IRIG-B DC connection example


b) External IRIG-B DC provider

IRIG-B DC external providerImage 36: IRIG-B DC external provider


GPS PPS connection example of one unit

a) The Dewesoft device has a GPS receiver

GPS PPS connection example from Dewesoft deviceImage 37: GPS PPS connection example from Dewesoft device


b) External GPS receiver

GPS PPS connection example from GPS receiverImage 38: GPS PPS connection example from GPS receiver


NTP connection example of one unit

NTP connection exampleImage 39: NTP connection example


Synchronization with ECAT-SYNC-JUNCTION

ECAT-SYNC-JUNCTION works in the same way as other Dewesoft devices. It is automatically recognized within the Dewesoft X software (supported in version X2 SP4). By default, ECAT-SYNC-JUNCTION will be set up to synchronize between KRYPTON EtherCAT® and SIRIUS USB.

With ECAT-SYNC-JUNCTION several connection options are possible:

  • Synchronization of SIRIUS/DEWE-43 USB with KRYPTON/SIRIUSiwe EtherCAT®devices, where the accuracy of synchronization is < microsecond
    USB and EtherCAT device synchronizationImage 40: USB and EtherCAT device synchronization


  • Synchronization of KRYPTONmodule with external IRIG B DC triggering source
    EtherCAT external IRIG-B DC synchronizationImage 41: EtherCAT external IRIG-B DC synchronization


  • Synchronization of KRYPTON and SIRIUS USBwith external IRIG B DC triggering source
    EtherCAT and USB devices external IRIG-B DC synchronizationImage 42: EtherCAT and USB devices external IRIG-B DC synchronization


  • Synchronization of KRYPTON/SIRIUSiwewith triggered cameras
    EtherCAT chain triggering the cameraImage 43: EtherCAT chain triggering the camera


  • Synchronization of SIRIUS/DEWE-43 USB with KRYPTON/SIRIUSiweand triggered cameras
    EtherCAT and USB synchronization with the camera triggerImage 44: EtherCAT and USB synchronization with the camera trigger


In DewesoftX, we work with three types of files: the datafile, the setup file, and the project file. In this section, we will take a closer look at the setup file and the project file.

The Setup file

When we are using the DewesoftX software, we are also working with Setup files. The purpose of a Setup file is very simple: it is there so we have somewhere to store the setup

In other words, this is where all the settings from the Channel setup tab in Measure mode and Measure tab are saved. These include the Channels we are using and all their settings, the Channel Names, their Ranges and Sample rates, and whether or not they are stored and used in the measurements. We also use the Setup file to store the information from each Channel’s setup tab, such as the Amplifier and Sensor info. Additionally, the Setup is the place where we store all the Storing conditions, Math formulas we would like to use, and the Modules we are using, as well as the settings for each used Module. Lastly, this is where we save the configuration of our Display screen from the Measure tab, such as the types and the position of the used Widgets, all the Widget settings, and the types of Displays we want to use when running data acquisition.

Image 45: In a setup file, we can save the Channel setup settings ...


Image 46: ... as well as the Displays screen configuration

When we open DewesoftX, we get directed to the Setup files tab, which is where we can find all of our saved (pre-existing) setup files. It is also where we can find additional important information regarding each setup, such as its name, setup info, size, and the time the file was modified.

Image 47: The Setup files tab

The default folder is the Setup folder that is created when we first download DewesoftX, and is therefore by default located in the Dewesoft folder. If our setup file is located anywhere else on our computer, there is an additional option of looking through the files on our computer.

Image 48: Different folder options in the Setup files tab

If we want to create a new setup file or modify a loaded Setup file,  we can simply press the Channel setup tab and modify whatever parameter, module, and part of the Measurement screen we would like to change. Once we are content with the changes, we can re-enter the Channel setup and save the setup by pressing one of the buttons in the upper right corner. Pressing the Save button will overwrite the Setup file we have initially opened, and pressing the Save as button will create a new Setup file. If we have gone directly to the channel setup, we will create a new Setup file, regardless of which save button we choose to press.

Image 49: The location of the Save and Save as buttons


The Project file

Projects are an important part of the DewesoftX software because they include the Hardware setup and the Program settings. In other words, the Project is where we save the starting setup, Security, Global variables, Data headers, Performance settings, and Advanced settings. It is also a place where we store general information regarding the devices, such as which devices are connected to the computer and other information directly connected to the devices themselves, and the Operation mode.

Image 50: The Settings tab for the selected Project

If we take a look at the Settings, we can see an Extensions tab and opening the tab displays all the Extensions we have available to use for Data acquisition. All the extensions are neatly organized in folders based on their main functionality: Export, Import, Math, Math application, Plugin, RT module, Visual control.

Image 51: An overview of the Extensions tab


Pressing the + button gives us an option to manage these extensions; we get an overview of all the enabled and disabled extensions and have the option to enable or disable any available extension we want. If you take a look at the extensions, you might notice that some options are permanently enabled, while others can also be disabled. You might also notice that these extensions were referred to as Modules when we were talking about the Setup files.

The distinction between a Setup and a Project is now clearly visible; within a Project, we get to select all the Extensions/Modules we want to be able to use. Within a setup, we choose which modules we are going to use and set them up for data acquisition.

We can manage our projects directly from DewesoftX by pressing the Options button and then going to Project entry.  The project entry will give us a list of all available projects created so far. When we first start using DewesoftX, we only have one project file, named default. Once we have more projects, project entry allows us to switch between them simply by selecting a project we would like to use from the project list.

Image 52: An overview of the Project entry

The other options we have available are:

  • Add project - This will create a new project and open the dialogue to name the project. The new project will not be created from scratch, but it will take all the settings of the currently selected project.
  • Rename project - This menu item will open the dialogue box to rename the currently selected project.
  • Remove project - This menu item will delete the currently selected project after user confirmation. Please note that this operation cannot be undone.
  • Import project from file - This menu item allows the user to to import the project from a setup file (.dxs), a data file (.dxd) or an XML setup (*.xml). In order to move a project from one system to another, a project file (found in the system folder) can simply be copied. This option goes one step further and allows the project (added to every setup and data file) to be extracted from any file in the source system.

To sum up, inside a Project, we can save the general Software settings and the main Hardware settings, while the Setup enables us to save the Chanel setups and the Display designs.

The Project file is also an integral part of the Setup file; if we have a Setup file, we can use it to extract the Project file from it.

To import a project from a datafile, we have two options. If we would like to work with a set Setup but also need to use the project the setup is tied to (this is most common if we are using Global variables and/or Data Headers), we can do so from the Setup files tab, where we simply use the Load special button or right-click the desired Setup file, then choose the option to Import project and load the setup.

Image 53: The location of the Load special button


Image 54: The location of the Import project and load setup option

The other way to import a project is to press the Options button and go to the project entry. This will allow us to extract the project from any file in the source system, but unlike the first option, this does not automatically open the corresponding setup file; DewesoftX simply returns to the Setup files tab.

Image 55: Steps for importing a project from a file

Take caution when using these options, as in both cases, the currently opened project will be overwritten with the project file imported from the setup file.

Offline mode can be used when we don't have any DAQ devices connected to our system and we want to simulate different types of channels to make an offline setup. It is especially useful when we want to modify or create a setup while no devices are connected, i.e. while we are in the office instead of the proving ground, and we want to make sure that the setup will not be corrupted in the process.

When we are operating in Offline mode, we can choose between three different modes of Simulated channels:

Simulated channels mode selectionImage 56: Simulated channels mode selection



  • Simulated channels - we define the number of analog in channels, counter channels, digital in channels, asynchronous analog out channels, and asynchronous digital out channels.
Simulated channelsImage 57: Simulated channels


  • File replay - we can replay files, that have already been recorded.
    File replay exampleImage 58: File replay example


  • Sound card - we can use the sound card in our computer to collect the data and make a measurement.

    Sound card exampleImage 59: Sound card example


Creating a Setup file and a Project file

We will now demonstrate how DewesoftX behaves while in Offline mode with the help of Real measurement mode. Specifically, we will show you how to use Offline mode to load a setup and to import a project.

Let us first start by connecting a Dewesoft Data acquisition device to our computer. In our case, the connected device is a Sirius-XHS.

Image 60: Overview of connected devices 


Then, open DewesoftX. Once the software loads, we will enter Measure mode and the Setup files tab. Navigate to the upper-right corner, where we can find an Options button. Press the button, go to the Project tab, and then add a new empty project. For the purpose of this demonstration, we named our new project ‘’Project_with_device’’. Press OK.

Image 61: Steps for making a new project 



Image 62: Name of the new created project 


After confirming the new Project, we will return to the Setup files tab in Measure mode. If we once again navigate to the Project options, we can see that we are now using the project we have just created. 

Image 63: Name of the new created project 


We can now go ahead and create a new setup file. To do so, we can navigate to the upper-left corner and press the New Setup button.

Image 64: the New Setup button 

Since we are using DewesoftX in Real measurement mode, and have a device connected, the Analog in tab will display all the channels that can be found on the device. 

Image 65: View of the channels when the device is connected to a computer 


 To save a Setup, we can simply press the Save or Save as button. Let’s save the setup as “Setup_device”.

Image 66: Overview of the Setup files tab

With this step we have created a project file that we can modify to our needs, even if we do not have any DAQ devices connected.

Let us now exit DewesoftX and disconnect the device. If we try to re-enter DewesoftX, we will be greeted by a message: unable to load project. We get this error because the project has the device properties saved, and we currently do not have it connected to our system. We now have two options: we can choose to ignore the warning, which will change the project file, or choose/select another project.

Image 67: The Unable to load project message we get if we try to open a project file while the proper device is not connected

If we choose to ignore the warnings, DewesoftX will open a modified version of the current project (in our case, Project_with_device). This means that we will still have all of our saved  Security settings, Global variables, and Data headers. We will also retain the Security settings, Performance settings, and Advanced settings we saved to the project file. We will, however, notice a difference when we enter the Device settings. The operation mode of DewesoftX will still be set to Real measurement, but we will not have any devices connected, which means that we will have no channels available once we enter the Channel setup in Measure mode.

Image 68: The Devices tab, after choosing the ignore the warnings option


Image 69: The Ch. setup tab, after choosing the ignore the warnings option

We also have the option to Select a different project, where we have the option to choose between creating a new project or choosing a different pre-made one.

Image 70: When we press the Select another project button, we get to choose between a new project and a pre-made project

Loading a pre-made project will do just that-it will load different Hardware and Program settings from the ones we set previously in our project ‘’Project_with_device’’. We should also keep in mind that if we were using this pre-made project with a device, we would get the warning in the image above.

If we choose to create a new project, our Operation mode will be set to Real measurement with no devices connected and our program settings will be set to default. This means that we will have to re-make all the Global variables, Data Headers, change our Advanced options and enabled/disabled Extensions list, ...

Modifying a Setup file

Let’s Ignore the warnings and load a modified version of ‘’Project_with_device’’

We are now still in Real measurement mode, but no devices are connected. It is therefore best if we change the operation mode to Offline mode. In the Setup files tab, choose the Setup we created earlier- “Setup_device”. Let’s make a copy of it, then load the original. For now, let’s load just the setup and ignore the project file. 

Since we are in Offline mode, we can Change the Amplifiers to whatever we want. But let’s leave them as they are, and just change the other properties, such as their ranges, descriptions, ... 

Image 71: Analog in Channels before and after modifying their properties

After changing the analog in Channel properties, we should save the setup. (if we’d like, we can change other modules as well, add Math channels, and change the displays in measure mode.

If we now return to the Setup files tab, we can see that there are two options when loading a setup: the first one is the Classical Load option, which we have already done, and the second option is to import a project and load the setup. Importing the project then does just that-it imports the project and, with that, all the information that was stored on it. We must be careful when importing projects, since this action means that our currently open project will be overwritten with the project file imported from the setup file.

Image 72: There are two ways of loading a Setup file; one way is to load just the Setup file, with the other way we can import a project and load a setup


We can now exit DewesoftX, reconnect the device, and re-enter DewesoftX and switch back to Real measurement mode. Find the setup file we have adjusted, and open it. Let’s now load the Setup file and enter Ch. Setup. We can now see that we retained all the settings we set in Offline mode.

Image 73: All the settings we set in Offline mode get retained when we open the setup in Real measurement mode while the device is connected

There is one clear distinction, though: once we are using Real measurement mode, we can no longer change the amplifiers of the channels, since we are directly influenced by the connected device. 

Image 74: It is possible to change amplifiers while in Offline mode, but not while in Real measurement mode

We should now also take a look at what would happen if we loaded a setup file

  • that has too many channels compared to the project file (offline mode)
  • where one channel’s amplifier differed from the amplifier on the corresponding channel on the device.

If we have more channels than the device, the extra channels will simply be erased once the device is connected.

Image 75: How the channels were set in Offline mode and how they appeared in Real measurement mode


If a channel has been set with a different amplifier in the Setup file than it is set on the device, the settings from the Setup will be overwritten by the default settings of the amplifier from the device that corresponds to said channel.

We also get a warning that the set amplifier is not supported on the device and that the set properties are therefore ignored.

Image 76: If we set the wrong amplifier, we get a warning

Dewesoft NET

With Dewesoft NET, your measurement system can be controlled remotely with the ease of use you couldn't imagine before. Dewesoft NET also serves as the center for Distributed Data Acquisition systems where you have multiple systems located either together or scattered across an entire continent. By enabling this option, you allow the remote connections to your system.

Enable Dewesoft NETImage 77: Enable Dewesoft NET


Once the remote connections to your system are allowed, the system can be added as a measurement unit on the client.

Open add device windowImage 78: Open add device window

Measurement units connected through the Dewesoft NET system can be found under Standard devices.

Add Dewesoft NET measurement windowImage 79: Add Dewesoft NET measurement window

For more informations about the Dewesoft NET system, visit out Dewesoft NET PRO training course.

If you want to enable plugins or extensions, please go to the Extensions section. Extensions are divided into five different sections:

  • Export (export the datafiles to different formats, like ATI(.ati), Google earth(.kml), Broadcast wave format(.bwf), Standard data file.dat, Wave.wav, Technical data management(.tdm), ...)
  • Import (DS NET USB log files or text files.)
  • Math application (set additional settings to several additional math applications like balancing, CA, fatigue analysis, FFT analyzer, FRF, Power, ...)
  • Plugin (enable several additional plugins like Polygon, Sound Power, Weather station, DS NET, Chapter 10, AutoExport, Control channels, Ethernet receiver, ...)
  • Visual controls (information about different visual controls inside Dewesoft like FRF geometry, Modal circle, Polygon, Rotor balancer, Altitude indicator.)

Dewesoft extension listImage 80: Dewesoft extension list


To add a new extension, click the plus button. Here you can see plugins, that are disabled. To enable them, select the plugin and click on the Enable button.

Enable the extension in Dewesoft settingsImage 81: Enable the extension in Dewesoft settings

When selecting all the needed Extensions, we can see some specific settings related to the selected plugin. To learn more about their meaning, please go to courses that are describing the specific section.

Image 82: Extensions specific settings

HINT: After enabling all the needed plugin, you have to refresh the list by clicking on the icon. After doing that, Dewesoft needs to be restarted.

Refresh extensions list buttonImage 83: Refresh extensions list


Global variables define the channels which can be used in a sequencer, math section, and displays. New variables can be added with a plus button.

Global variables set-upImage 84: Global variables set-up

The Unique ID must be defined, which is used as a reference for all other places where internal variables are used. Channel name can be freely defined, we can define the color and the unit.

Data type can be:

  • Floating point (floating decimal point, we can also define the number of decimal numbers)
  • Integer (whole number)
  • Text (text written by the user)

Channel Type can be:

  • Single value (storing only one value per entire measurement)
  • Async (adding value each time the channel changes from sequencer or math)

Start value can be selected from:

  • Last value (variable will remember the last value)
  • Default value (it will always start with the defined default number)

Default value describes what value the channel has when starting up.

Data header allows you to define input fields in which operators can enter additional not measured parameters at the start or end of the measurement.

Data header settingsImage 85: Data header settings

In data header, we can define:

  • Info field- The Info button adds a new line in the right section of the window. Just click in the new line and enter the desired text, for example 'File header information'. 
    Data header info fieldImage 86: Data header info field


  • Input field- The Input field can be used for any single line values or comments (you can use it for example for location information...). Let's create a new field with the press on the Input icon and rename it (for example to 'Location'). To rename the field, just click on the name and overwrite it: 
    Data header input fieldImage 87: Data header input field


  • Selection field -The Selection field can be used for creating a list of 'value' and is very useful when you have to use the same 'value' very often. This can be for example a list of user names or also a list of departments within your company. Let's create a new list with the press on the Selection icon and label it (for example 'User' - click on 'Selection' and overwrite it). 
    Data header selectionImage 88: Data header selection


    Now you have to define the content of your list. To do that, press the three dots button on the right side and Create Selection. When the list window appears, enter the desired names in the New item field and press the Add item button. 
    Add item to the selection listImage 89: Add item to the selection list


    The name will appear in the list on the left side, in our example labeled User 1. 
    List of items in selection listImage 90: List of items in the selection list


    Enter as many names as required. You can also edit values directly on the list by selecting an item. To remove an item, just select it from the list on the left side and press the Remove item button. When all names are entered, press the OK button or press Cancel to reject all entries. The result of upper entries is the following drop-down list in the global header window:
    Selection list dropdownImage 91: Selection list dropdown


  • Position up/down- With both buttons up and down, you can now change the position of the:
    • File name field
    • Comments field
    • Input field
    • Selection field
    • Info field (like created above)
  • You can change the position of fields at any time. Just select it (the red box will appear) and move it up or down using the appropriate button.
  • Delete field - To remove unused or non-required fields, select the field and press the Delete icon. The only field you can't delete is the File name entry field.

Under header settings, you can select whether to ask for the header on the start of the storing or at the end:

  • Ask for header on start option will pop up a window with all entries before the start of storing.
  • Ask for header at the end will open the same window when the measurement is stopped.

Image 92: Data header settings 

You can also export the header to .xml file or import the header from the setup file.

If we have selected the option Ask for the header at the end, we get the window like in the picture below after we stop storing the data. We can see the input sections defined earlier in Settings.

Data header after storingImage 93: Data header after storing


Startup option allows you to select what do you want Dewesoft X to do when you start it.

Multiple instances of Dewesoft X can be selected to allow that Dewesoft X is started multiple times on the same computer for special applications (running different devices, analysing old data while measurement process is running...).

Enable multiple instances optionImage 94: Enable multiple instances option


If you have a measurement device connected to the computer, you cannot have multiple instances of Dewesoft X!

Dewesoft running two instancesImage 95: Dewesoft running two instances


Under Starting setup options you select what to do when Dewesoft X starts.

  • Nothing (Dewesoft Xopens normally, no action is performed.) 
    Default startup optionImage 96: Default startup option


  • Load setup (Dewesoft X automatically loads a defined setup. We can also tell the program to go straight to Acquisition mode or to start Dewesoft Xin full-screen mode.) 
    Load setup when Dewesoft startsImage 97: Load setup when Dewesoft starts


  • Load sequence (Load sequence at start will load the sequence defined in the file name and run when Dewesoft Xstarts.) 
    Load sequence when Dewesoft startsImage 98: Load sequence when Dewesoft starts


Image 99: Dewesoft X performance settings 


  • Application process priority defines the process priority of Dewesoft X
    Application process priorityImage 100: Application process priority
    • Usually, Dewesoft X should run on its own in the OS and, therefore Normal priority is enough.
    • High priority allows Dewesoft X to increase its performance if other processes are also running on the system.
    • Real-time is useful only in special applications. Even though thinking that real-time priority would be the best, but in reality, it might stall acquisition low-level drivers which must have enough CPU time. Setting Dewesoft X to real-time would mean that tasks like displaying data on the screen would have to high priority.
  • Use multiple cores is a very important function to split the data acquisition and math processing between different CPU cores.
  • Acquisition update rate defines the preferred rate of acquisition loop. The graphic part was always a part of acquisition loop (data acquisition, calculation, storing, graphics). The graphics were drawn at the same time and that did not allow us to run a faster acquisition. Now, the graphics can be done in parallel. As a result, we could lower the priority of graphic part and have faster acquisition times. Average acquisition loop was running with about 50 Hz and now it can run up to 1000 Hz. Set the acquisition update rate higher if you want to have the faster reaction times.
    Acquisition update rateImage 101: Acquisition update rate 

  • Display update rate option defines the preferred refresh rate of displays. With defining lower display update rates, we can reduce CPU load of Displays. If we change the update rate from 50 Hz to 1 Hz, the CPU load of displays dropped from 30 % to 1 %. This is very useful when we are on the limit with our computer CPU. 


  • Decoupled acquisition and UI option are enabled by default. This option will use a dedicated thread for acquisition. One core will be used for acquisition and one core will be used for the user interface.


Memory sizes are important to run the software correctly for a different application. There are sizes which need to be defined for:

  • Sync DB - This is the memory size in seconds for all synchronous channels (analog, counters, ...). The value should be larger than maximum refresh time - 2 seconds is the default.
  • Async DB - This is the memory size for all asynchronous channels (CAN, GPS, and many others...). The default value is 50 seconds.
  • Video memory - Size of the video buffer; with lots of cameras the default 64 MB value should be reduced to half, for example not to run out of system memory.

Enable Freeze buffers should be enabled if we plan to use Freeze mode (to see data during the measurement).

Freeze buffer modeImage 102: Freeze buffer mode

When we enable it, the Freeze button is seen during the Measure mode.

Freeze button in measurementImage 103: Freeze button in measurement


When storing the data, you will see a special Freeze button. This is a sign for Grandview, enhanced freeze mode. Grandview allows the user to review stored data from the start of measurement without interrupting data acquisition and storing process. User is able to zoom into any region of data already stored on disk during the measurement and review any type of signal including video, which makes (long term) measurements easier to manage.

Pressed store buttonImage 104: Pressed store button


Analog out

Analog out settingsImage 105: Analog out settings


  • AO buffer length - when you use the Function generator function in Dewesoft X, the software sends the data to Sirius. Sirius waits for the amount of AO buffer length (in our case, this is 1 second) before it starts to output the signal. This has to be done, to prevent data loss. By default, the buffer length is set to 1 second.
    Analog out bufferImage 106: Analog out buffer


  • Fill samples when the buffer is more that __ % full. Let's say that we have a buffer of 2 seconds. The samples will be sent when the buffer will be filled with the defined amount of percentage (at 2-second buffer, 50 % means, that it will wait for 1 second). By default, the value is set to 50 %.
    Analog out buffer 2Image 107: Analog out buffer 2


Under the user interface section, we define the language of the program, display characteristics, sound card selection, and keyboard shortcuts.

User interface settingsImage 108: User interface settings



The language file can be selected from the drop-down list.

Dewesoft language slectionImage 109: Dewesoft language selection

 The language files can be found in a folder locale located in Dewesoft X installation folder. Here, you can also add your own language files if they are written with the appropriate tool.

Language filesImage 110: Language files



Font size defines the size of the font in measure mode (example: in the left picture, the font size is 8 and in the right picture the font size is 16).

Image font sizeImage 111: Image font size


If we change the background color to white, the background of the measure mode will change.

Dewesoft light backgroundImage 112: Dewesoft light background


Show channel description sets that the channel description is shown in the name of the channels in visual controls (like recorder, for example). When switched off, only names are shown.

Channel descriptionImage 113: Channel description


Disabled/enabled channel description optionImage 114: Disabled/enabled channel description option


Show instrument toolbar in full-screen displays instruments button in full-screen mode; full screen (available with Ctrl-F) usually shows only instruments, but in this case, also a toolbar with standard displays are shown. In the left picture, this option is disabled, and in the right picture, this option is enabled. We can see the toolbar with different screens.

Show main toolbarImage 115: Show the main toolbar


For the Time axis display Local time, UTC and Telemetry (UTC) can be selected from the drop-down list:

Time format optionsImage 116: Time format options


This selection will affect the absolute axis of the recorder, time display in the multimeter, and other displays showing absolute time. Dewesoft X always stores the data in UTC format (without the local time bias).

  • Local time display will show with data in local time based on OS settings, therefore the same data file will have different absolute times if viewed in the USA than if it is opened in China.
  • UTC will show the universal coordinated time (without bias) and will be displayed the same around the globe.
  • Telemetry UTC will not display the day, month and the year, but will display the day of the year instead.


Sound sections allow you to tell Dewesoft X which capable sound card in this computer you want to use for making voice annotations when storing data.

Settigns for voice eventsImage 117: Settings for voice events


Sound format can be chosen from the drop-down menu:

Sound formatImage 118: Sound format


The voice events can be entered by pressing V during recording, but only if the sound card is defined. The sound at the start and stop triggers allows us to have a sound indication for triggering. 

Let's make an example of voice recording. I have chosen my Microphone as a sound card driver.

Voice event settings exampleImage 119: Voice event settings example


When I go to Measure mode, click the Store button to start storing the data.

While measuring, press the V button on the keyboard and the program will record the voice with the selected sound card.

Voice event recordingImage 120: Voice event recording

In Analysis mode, when we open the data file, we can see a voice event under the events section.

Recorded voice eventImage 121: Recorded voice event

 In the events window, you can see when we started and stopped the storing and when we made a voice event. If you want to replay the voice event, double click on it.

The following window will appear and the voice will be replayed.

Voice event progressImage 122: Voice event progress



Under the shortcuts section, you can see all the available keyboard shortcuts in Dewesoft X.

Shortcut listImage 123: Shortcut list


You can change the buttons that will lead you to the wanted shortcut. Select the Custom Shortcut mapping.

Image 124: Shortcut mapping


After that, a pen icon will show at every shortcut. To change the shortcut button, click on the pen icon.

Change of the shortcut keyImage 125: Change of the shortcut key


The following window will appear. After assigning a new shortcut, click the OK button. 

change keyboard shortcutImage 126: Change keyboard shortcut


The new button for the shortcut is assigned.

New shortcut buttonImage 127: New shortcut button


User manual

Image 128: User manual resources

If the checkbox is checked, Dewesoft will not attempt to get manual sources from the webserver. It will only use the sources installed with Dewesoft installation.

Section Files and folder defines a starting point within the folder structure.

Files and folders overviewImage 129: Files and folders overview


Default folders

  • Default folder for setup files - Defines the starting folder where the setups will be loaded from. This default folder can be changed also from the Folders menu in Measure - Setup files with setting Set as the default project folder.
  • Default folder for data files - Defines the folder where to store the data files by default. This can be also changed as above, but inside Measure - Ch. setup - Storing or Analysis - Data files. 
  • Default folder for exports - Defines the default place where the files are exported. If we select Remember the last selected folder, then the folder which was last selected when exporting data will be set as default and remembered for the next export.

GPS maps

We have to define the path to GPS folder(s), which will be shown in the GPS plugin in Dewesoft X

GPS maps folderImage 130: GPS maps folder


Database files

Under Database files, we define the path to different files:

  • Analog sensors
  • Bearings
  • S-N curve
  • Counter sensors
  • Kinematic cursors
  • Math templates

Dewesoft storing overviewImage 131: Dewesoft storing overview


Data files

Always overwrite data fields is an option that allows you to automatically overwrite the files without additional confirmation.

Dewesoft X can create a zipped data files (.dxz) at the end of the measurement. The advantage of this function is, that the data file is compressed and, therefore, takes less space.

Let's make a 30-second data file with 4 channels and a sample rate of 20000 samples/second. With a normal storing, the size of the data file is 5 MB. Then we select to have a zipped data file. The size of the datafile got reduced to 105kB.

Data file compression testImage 132: Data file compression test


We can also define the Minimum disk space, that is required to make a data file. If we reach this limit during the measurement, storing will be stopped and the data file will be saved.Out of disk space Image 133: Out of disk space 

If there is not enough space from the beginning of the measurement, you will get a warning.

Not enough free spaceImage 134: Not enough free space

Default video settings

Online video file format can be selected between DVI or AVI format.

Video format optionsImage 135: Video format options

Online video compressions settings (We can compress the video during the measurement and make the datafiles smaller. Our computer has to have good performance characteristics to perform online video compression):

Video compression optionsImage 136: Video compression options

Offline video compression settings (with offline video compression we can reduce the size of the data file):

Offline video compression optionsImage 137: Offline video compression options


For lower CPU usage, we can enable the option Auto compress (offline) after measurement. By enabling this option, we also disable online compression.
Auto compress videoImage 138: Auto compress video


Use your own company logo on printouts. After selecting the three dots button, the standard window explorer window appears to simply select an image file (*.jpg type).

Under Print margins, we define printer border in millimeters.

Report headerImage 139: Report header


Report header is seen when we want to print the document. Go to Analysis mode, select print and on the top of the document is our report header (with text and logo).

Report header exampleImage 140: Report header example


Under security options, you can lock access to settings and prevent access to Dewesoft X procedures.

Image 141: Password for entering settings

If we select this option, you will have to enter the password the next time you enter the Settings.

Enter password for settingsImage 142: Enter password for settings

 You can also select the option Never ask again. It will not ask you for a password until Dewesoft X is restarted.


Image 143: Lock user access


If we select to use User access password, we can use it:
  • for stopping measurement,
  • for changing the setup,
  • for changing the sequence,
  • for leaving the full screen,
  • for editing sensors and
  • for allowing users to select different projects.

We can also define that the files being stored will be locked. We have three options:

File locking optionsImage 144: File locking options


  • Disabled - file locking will be disabled and the files can be post-processed.
  • With password - file locking will be enabled and a password will be defined to unlock the file in analysing.
  • Permanent - the file will be permanently locked and we can be sure it will not be modified in analysis.

The firmware for Dewesoft X hardware can now be upgraded directly in Dewesoft X software (firmware upgrade tool is no longer required).

Required equipment

Firmware upgradeImage 145: Firmware upgrade

Upgrade process

Download the Dewesoft upgrade package (.dxu file) from the Dewesoft downloads page under section drivers.

Copy the file into the Firmware folder of your Dewesoft X installation (D:\DewesoftX\System\X\Firmwares).

Connect the Dewesoft instrument to PC and run Dewesoft X software.

Go to Settings and the Update menu. If the firmware package isn't selected, select it by pressing the "three-dot button" and find the folder with the firmware file in it.

Firmware upgrade packImage 146: Firmware upgrade pack


Firmware pack selectionImage 147: Firmware pack selection


Select the device you want to upgrade and start the firmware upgrade by pressing the Upgrade button. The window should appear indicating that the upgrade has begun:

Firmware upgrade progressImage 148: Firmware upgrade progress


Wait until the software finishes the upgrade and close the window. After the upgrade, the device status should turn green and say 'Up to date'.

Firmware up to dateImage 149: Firmware up to date


Warning: Do not disconnect the device while upgrading the firmware!

Here you can find advanced options for different areas, like hardware, visuals, math, diagnostics, and analysis.


Image 150: Advanced hardware settings 

Dewesoft devices

  • USB speed limit warning (per slice) - here you can define the USB speed limit per slice. If the speed is exceeded, the warning will be shown in the channel setup.

    Image 151: USB speed limit exceeded 
  • Softsync sample rate limit - we can define the maximum sample rate limit if two devices are synced with soft sync (e.g. KRYPTON). The software synchronization accuracy is around 2-10 ms, which is enough for simple temperature measurement. This synchronization solution requires no additional hardware.

  • Always enable USB system driver - if Dewesoft USB system driver is disabled in device manager, it will be enabled automatically

  • Disable EtherCAT interface - check this option if you do not want Dewesoft to scan or use EtherCAT devices

  • Set SIRIUSsample rate limit to 204.8 kHz - set maximum sample rate to 204.8 kHz for DW-43, Sirius, Sirius-CD and Sirius-HD

  • Decode 2nd part of the IRIG time frame - DS-Clock can now decode also 2nd part of the IRIG signal. Once this option is enabled, a new channel is shown in the system monitor.

    Image 152: Enable 2nd part of IRIG

  • Not resetting acquisition while timing is lost - with this option enabled, Dewesoft will continue recording even if the timing is lost.

  • Available sample rates
    Image 153: Full and reduced sample rate divider set 


  • Channel sample rate behavior -allows you to choose the behavior of the channel sample rate in relation to the global sample rate.

    Image 154: Channel sample rate behavior
  • Disable HW sample rate dividers - disables HW drivers and uses software sample rate dividers instead


  • When we have sensors with TEDS chip, we have to scan it. If we enable this option, we scan for TEDS chip only once or we can continuously scan for TEDS sensors and leave this option disabled.

    Image 155: Channel with TEDS 

    When the sensor is read, we can see the serial number, settings of the amplifier, and the sensitivity of the sensor.

  • Write Dewesoft TEDS templates only

  • Shunt calibration error limit (works on STG, STGM modules) - The shunt calibration can be used to measure and correct the resistance of strain gages. Shunt calibration takes a while since it has to set several configurations and measure back the results. With the Shunt calibration error limit, we define the maximum allowed deviation from the Shunt cal target value. If the value is more than 2%, the results are not ok and if the result is under 2%, the result is accepted.

    Image 156: Shunt calibration error limit
  • Capacity check error limit (works on CHG modules) - if we have connected charge sensors, we can perform the Capacity check. We have to enter the known value for the capacity target. After the value is input, we press check. Dewesoft will generate a sine wave and check what is the actual capacity. After this procedure is finished, Dewesoft will give us the actual capacity and the error. If the value is bigger than our defined value, it will be written in red color.

    Image 157: Capacity check error limit

  •  Option Enable calibration by the shunt enables you to trust your shunt calculation result and use it for further measurement.

    Image 158: Enable calibration by shunt

  • Disable additional software high pass filter if below calculation limit - If this checkbox is checked and the SW-HPFilter limit is reached, no additional SW-HPFilter will be calculated. The SWHPFilter is needed for slow accelerometers to see also very low frequencies, and offset is ignored. If this checkbox is not checked and the limit of SW-HPFilter is reached, the SW-HPFilter is calculated based on the limit possible (offset can bother customers more than the very low frequencies missing). In the end, it depends on the sensor used and what the users want to see from it. This option is special for some customers who have MSI-ACC (or DSI-ACC). Also, some accelerometers in the IEPE mode might still have some offset even if the amplifier has an HW-HPFilter. To remove this offset, we calculate a HPFilter frequency based on this formula: Frequency(SW-HPFilter) = Frequency(HW-HPFilter) / 10. In most cases, this does not make any problems, but there are MSI-ACC which have an HW-HPFilter at 0.08 Hz. Depending on the sample rate, we can easily run into the limit of SW-HPFilter calculation where it is simply not possible to calculate it anymore.

  • Always keep TEDS header serial number

  • Allow changing offset when scaling is disabled


CAN can be set to acknowledge mode by default when a new device is found.

Image 159: CAN acknowledge mode

We can see the CAN operation mode when selecting the settings of a measurement device. In read-only mode, the DAQ device can only read messages from CAN data.

Image 160: CAN read-only operation mode 

In Read/write/acknowledge mode, the DAQ device can read and send CAN data. To add a new transmit channel, click the icon in a red square. 

Image 161: CAN read-write acknowledge operation mode 

Digital filters

  • Default LP filter setting- if the wanted filter is not available on a connected device, the first filter will be selected
    • OFF
    • Anti-aliasing (IIR)
    • AAF (zero-phase distortion)
    • Ring free
  • AAF (zero-phase distortion) transition width
    • Auto adjust will set the AAF to 16% transition width (up to 1:100 of sample rate ratio)
    • User-defined - the transition band will always be achieved, but the computational load can become heavy
  • Enable alias-free filtering on Sirius-HS - This option enables additional AAF has a cut-off frequency at 80 kHz, when the sample rate is equal or above 160kHz or a cut-off frequency of s/2 when the sample rate is under 160 kHz.


Image 162: Advanced visuals 

  • Graphics

    Use asynchronous buffer for GDI calls option allows you to use a dedicated thread for the graphics.

    Image 163: Graphics device interface

  • In the XY graph, we define delta cursor angle offset and delta cursor decimal places.

    In image 145, the delta cursor offset is set to 0, and the delta cursor decimal places are set to 5. We can see that the dX and dY have 5 decimal places and the angle is 60°. In image 146, we can see that the decimal places of the dX and dY have increased to 10 places, and the offset of the angle for 5° and is now 65°.

    Image 164:XY graph settings


    Image 165: Default cursor options


    Image 166: Modified cursor options 

  • 3D graph
    • Show missed distance calculation
    • Max vertex count (The number of points generated for the 3D graph widget. The points can be limited if you are running out of memory.)
  • GPS map
    • Max samples shown (This is the maximum number of samples which will be still shown in the GPS map)
  • Scope
    • Memory size (Scope trigger memory size per channel.)
    • Maximum picture size
    • Maximum number of pictures


Under the math section, we can enable sharper anti-aliasing filter in the order tracking. 

Image 167: Advanced math


Image 168: Advanced diagnostics 

When we are in the measure screen we can access the system performance by pressing a shortcut CTRL+SHITF+P. Here, we can set that as the default part of the screen.

Image 169: Performance monitor 

The default system info page can be selected as Performance or Details.

If we have measurement hardware connected to our computer, we can also show debug system channels (sync error, IRIG time, VCXO values, ...). These settings can also be seen under the System monitor in Channel setup.

Image 170: Dewesoft system monitor 


Image 171: Advanced analysis 

Here, you can select the synchronous channel as output for sound replaying in analysis mode (0 - none, 1 - first sync channel, ...).

Let's say we measure the signal from 5 channels and want to use the third one (AI 3) as the default channel for sound replay.

Image 172: Default channel for sound output 

To set the third channel (AI 3) as the channel for sound replaying, just enter the number 3 in a checkbox. 

Image 173: Automatically select the output channel on the sound card 

After storing and replaying the data file, we can see the third channel (AI 3) as the default sound replay output channel.

Image 174: Default output channel example 

Use relative event time by default for new setups - with the new setup all the events will have the event time in relative time. If this option is disabled, the default time will be absolute. The time type can be also changed during measurement by right-clicking on the event and change time display.

Image 175: Relative time events 


Image 176: Advanced NET settings 

  • Connection

    Starting TCP/IP port for MU data connection. (It is possible to define the starting port on the master measurement unit.)

    For example, if the starting port is 8998, this port will be used by the first measurement unit. The second measurement unit will use port 8997. The port 8999 is fixed and can't be changed. This port needs to be opened on both master and slave units.

    The port 1999 is used for Dewesoft launcher and also needs to be opened.

    Allow NET connection in the master mode (If Dewesoft is Master client or Master measurement unit, it is possible to define which clients are allowed to connect.)
  • None
  • View client only
  • Master or view client

  • Cross trigger
    • Selected network interface for the cross trigger - Select the network card which is used for the NET system.
    • Multicast group - Set-up the same IP multicast address on both master and slave units for the cross trigger to work correctly.
    • Cross trigger delay - Maximum allowed network delay for the cross trigger.
  • Setup screen connection

    Keep client connection on view change (needs Dewesoft 64-bit connection. The master PC stays connected to the slave units even when they aren't selected. This allows a smoother transition between the slave units.)

    Default protocol for connection:
  • VNC (ultra VNC) - Default password - by default, the password is set to a but for better security Dewesoft allows you to change the password.
  • RDP (Windows Remote Desktop) - The remote desktop offers two types of authentication:
    • Use Windows credentials - If the master unit was already connected to a slave unit via remote desktop, and if the connection is saved, this option can be used.
    • User name and password - If the master unit is connecting to the slave unit for the first time.
  • Events

    It is possible to define which events will be shown on the master client or master measurement unit.

The license for measuring with Dewesoft X is included in the device (usually PROF version). Once it is connected to the USB port, it acts as a dongle.

The license for analyzing is free! Dewesoft X can be installed on any computer and the stored data files can be opened, recalculated, and exported.

Additional licenses can be required for plugins, these can then also be written into the Dewesoft® device. To test plugins, you can request a 30-days-Evaluation license.

Image 177: Licensing 

Under the licensing section, you see your Active licenses, Create a new license, or Import offline license (*.lic file format).

Make sure that all the hardware which you intend to use is connected and switched on. Only in this case, the registration will be fully done for all measurement hardware being used. The license is then generated to hardware keys of the hardware OR to computer MAC address. So you can use the same hardware with the license file on any computer and you can also exchange the measurement hardware on the same computer with a need that MAC addresses are the same.

Offline registration

If your measurement PC has access to an internet connection, you can register directly from within Dewesoft X software. If not Dewesoft X will automatically offer offline registration.

Enter your license key and press the arrow next to the license number button.

Image 178: Enter your license key 

If there are no DAQ devices connected to the computer, the license is generated only for MAC addresses of the PC.

Image 179: If there are no DAQ devices connected to the computer, the license is generated only for MAC addresses of the PC  

Dewesoft X will connect to the internet and will register automatically (online). If there is no internet connection, Dewesoft X will offer offline registration.

Image 180: If there is no internet connection, Dewesoft X will offer offline registration 

Dewesoft X will create a *.lic file and you have to save it to the computer.

Copy the created ".lic" license file from the measurement computer, and transfer it to a computer with internet access. Visit Dewesoft home page, and select registration.

Drop the *.lic file to the window.

Image 181: Drop created license file on Dewesot's registration page 

When you drop your license, the following window will appear. Please, download the generated file.

Save and overwrite the new ".lic" file over the ".lic" file on the measurement computer.

Image 182: Save and overwrite the new .lic file over the old .lic file 

Restart Dewesoft X software and select the option Import license. Import the *.lic file that was downloaded from the web page.

Image 183: Restart Dewesoft X software and select Import license 

Evaluation license

To receive a fully functional 30-day evaluation license for Dewesoft X software, fill and submit the form below. Data marked with * is required. Please provide a valid email address to which we can send the evaluation license.

Image 184: Request for a 30-day evaluation license for Dewesoft X 

Write license to Dewesoft devices

When we have a software license on our PC, we can also write the license to Dewesoft measurement devices. This can be done, so the devices can be used also with another computer.

Image 185: You can write licenses on measurement devices

If the license is already written on the measurement device, a warning will appear. We can overwrite the existing license with a new one.

Image 186: If the license is already written on the measurement device, we get a warning