
Event markers, User notes, Cursors, and Processing markers are tools that give us the option to further analyse the acquired data and note the most important events and observations directly on graphs.

When analyzing data, we are often only interested in specific information, such as the maximum, minimum, or RMS value of the signal. Other times, we would like to note when a specific event happened, either during data acquisition itself or in post-processing.

With this in mind, Dewesoft has implemented a series of markers and cursors—powerful tools that make complex data analysis easier—called Event markers, User notes, Cursors, and Processing markers.

In this lesson, we will show you not only how to work with these tools but also when you should use each type.

The more important information has been collected in our F1 manual, namely:

Some information regarding User notes has additionally already been covered in our Visual Display Widgets PRO training, specifically the Recorder and Vertical recorder section.

All data files used in this lesson have conveniently been gathered in our Google Drive archive, Markers.

During data acquisition, we might encounter events that will be important for proper data analysis. In order to distinguish data acquired during those events from other recorded data, Dewesoft has implemented Event markers. These are markers that are used to mark areas of interest for reviewing later on.

Event markers can be added to the Recorder widget in Measure mode during data acquisition or in Analysis mode. We do so by pressing the correct key on the keyboard or by pressing the correct button located on the left side of the so-called Event selector.

Image: The image shows the location of the Event selector and Event buttons.

We can choose between the following 3 Event types:

  • Keyboard event - we can add it by pressing the <spacebar> or the icon marked with 1.) in the above image. On the Recorder, a keyboard event will be visible as a thin vertical gray line, marked with a K symbol. The notice will also be added to the Event selector.

  • Notice event - we can add it by pressing the <n> key or the icon marked with 2.) in the above image. Once we add the Notice event, we will get a text input dialog box.
    Image: The image shows the text input dialog. We can see the Time of the entered event and an Event text box where we enter the desired note.Image: The image shows the text input dialog. We can see the Time of the entered event and an Event text box where we enter the desired note.


    On the Recorder, a notice event will be visible as a thin vertical green line, marked with an N symbol, and the text we have entered. The notice will also be added to the Event selector. This event will always be added to the Recorder at the location when we started entering the event.

  • Voice event - we can add this event by pressing and holding the <v> key on the keyboard or by pressing the icon marked as 4.) on the image of the Event selector, then speaking into the microphone. On the Recorder, the event is marked with a vertical blue line, and a V symbol.

    To work with Voice events, we have to download a DirectX sound card. The Audio card can be downloaded from our Plugins Google drive. We can follow the directions in the Manual-Add extension installation procedure- to add the sound card. All we need to do then is enable Recording of voice events in Settings, under the User interface tab, Sounds dropdown menu.
    Image: The image shows where we can configure the Sound card settings.Image: The image shows where we can configure the Sound card settings.


In analysis mode, we can add one more event—Cursor info. To add it, we can press the <c> key on the keyboard or the icon marked with 3.) in the image displaying the Event buttons. On the Recorder widget, the event will be visible as a thin olive-colored vertical line, marked with a Cn symbol, where n stands for the Cursor info number.

Let's say we have recorded a datafile with a series of Keyboard, Notice and Voice events, as shown below:

Image: Recorded datafileImage: Recorded datafile

As mentioned previously, all these Event markers are saved in the message window that is basically an event list in the top-right corner of the software, directly below the Edit and Options buttons:

Image: The image shows the location of the Event selector.Image: The image shows the location of the Event selector.

The Event selector gives us an overview of the following events:

  • The beginning of the data recording - in the Event selector, this event is named Storing started. On the recorder widget, this event is indicated by a vertical red line with the letter B (beginning) at the top of it.
  • The end of the data recording - in the Event selector, this event is named Storing stopped. On the recorder widget, it is marked with a vertical red line and letter E (end) at the top of it.
  • Keyboard, Notice, Voice events, and other events.

As we can see, every entry contains the exact date and time at which the event was added, the type of event we are working with, and the note we wrote, if we have added Notice events.

If we want to modify an event, we can do so by clicking on it once so that the entry is marked blue in the Event selector, then right-clicking on it.

Image: The moving image demonstrates how we can navigate to the Edit option.Image: The moving image demonstrates how we can navigate to the Edit option.

In the drop-down menu, we can choose between 3 options:

  • Edit - this option enables us to edit the selected marker.
  • Remove - this option enables us to remove the selected marker.
  • Time - this option enables us to choose if we would prefer to see the time at which the events were added as the absolute or the relative time since the start of data acquisition.

    Image: The moving image shows the difference between the Absolute and Relative time display.Image: The moving image shows the difference between the Absolute and Relative time display.

If we have the DirectX Sound Card downloaded and if we have enabled recording of voice events in Settings, we can replay the voice event by clicking on it.

If we double-click on an event directly from the Event selector, we will position the yellow cursor on the Recorder to the timestamp at which this event happened.

Image: The moving image demonstrates how we can move the yellow cursor to an event’s timestamp.Image: The moving image demonstrates how we can move the yellow cursor to an event’s timestamp.


If we want to have a slightly better overview of the Event markers, we can go to Setup in Analysis mode and then open the Events module. Here, we will see an expanded Event list that gives us an overview of all our events at once, thus eliminating any scrolling from the Review tab.

Image: The image shows how we can add the Events module and what we can see when we open it.Image: The image shows how we can add the Events module and what we can see when we open it.


Let’s now focus on the Recorder widget.
If we hover over an Event marker, Dewesoft will display a gray box with the time, date, type, and note belonging to the event we are hovering over with our mouse.

Image: The moving image demonstrates what happens if we hover over an Event marker.Image: The moving image demonstrates what happens if we hover over an Event marker.


Whenever we add Event markers, they are automatically added to the Recorder widget, which might make signal analysis a little harder. That is why we can hide the events. To do so, we select the Recorder, then open the Drawing options drop-down menu under the Recorder's settings. To hide the Events, we need to deselect the Show events checkbox.

Image: The moving image shows how we can hide Events from the Recorder widget.Image: The moving image shows how we can hide Events from the Recorder widget.


All the notes we have entered into the Event text bracket of the Notice markers are saved in a PredefinedNoticeMessages.dxb file that we can find in our Dewesoft System folder.

Image: The image shows the location of the PredefinedNoticeMessages.dxb file.Image: The image shows the location of the PredefinedNoticeMessages.dxb file.


This means that we can create Event texts prior to data acquisition and then simply choose the suitable text for the event from the drop-down menu while in acquisition mode or post-processing mode.

Image: The image shows a visualization of the dropdown menu.Image: The image shows a visualization of the dropdown menu.

As with all the *.dxb files, this means that we can share the Event texts with different measurement units.

Image: The moving image demonstrates how we can add a new event.Image: The moving image demonstrates how we can add a new event.


User note markers are the simplest and least talked-about markers in Dewesoft. We can add them to the Recorder widget and use them specifically to give visual annotations when we do not want to add Event markers. Since these are only visual aids, we cannot export them like we can any other marker in this PRO Training.

As mentioned previously, User note markers can only be added to a Recorder widget. We can add them both during Data acquisition and during analysis, but since the steps are the same, we will only demonstrate this functionality in analysis mode.

Let’s take the signal we created previously when analyzing Event markers. We could see that we noted a voice event before the event actually took place, since we were making the notes manually. Our signal has already been added to the Recorder widget. We should now select the widget so that we can see its settings and navigate to the Interaction section, where we can choose the widget’s Mode. By default, the Mode should be set to Normal, but we should change it to User notes.

Image: The image shows the configuration of the Recorder widget.Image: The image shows the configuration of the Recorder widget.


Now, we can locate the position on the graph where we want to insert the input. Once we have found it, we simply click on the graph.

Image: The moving image shows how to add a user noteImage: The moving image shows how to add a user note


We are then automatically redirected to Marker settings. We need to configure the following:

  • Associated to - here, we can choose which channel the User note will relate to.
  • Position - here, we select at which timestamp we want the user note to be located at.
  • Note - this is where we enter a short note.
  • Color - here, we can select the color of the User note marker.

Image: The image shows an example of the marker setup.Image: The image shows an example of the marker setup.

As we could see in the moving image above, we will keep adding new User notes until we switch the Recorder widget’s mode back to Normal.

When a marker is selected, it is circled, and orange in color.

Image: The image shows a selected marker.Image: The image shows a selected marker.


By right-clicking into the User note marker, we open a menu, that allows us to:

  • Remove all markers
  • Edit selected markers
  • Remove selected markers
Image: The image shows the options if we right-click into a marker.Image: The image shows the options if we right-click into a marker.


The Cursor module is a way for us to interactively look for level crossings, as well as local minima or maxima of channels.

The module itself was meant to be used in Analysis, but we can add and configure it in Measure mode as well. To add the module, press the More... button in Setup or Ch. setup tab, then look for Cursor under the General section.

Image: The image shows how to add a Cursor module.Image: The image shows how to add a Cursor module.


The Cursor module has the following setup:

Image: Cursor module setupImage: Cursor module setup


  1. Input - this is where we choose the input channel. The input channel is the channel whose value at a certain event we are looking for. We can select multiple input channels for one cursor.
  2. Output - these are the output channels we are looking for.
  3. Reference channel settings - here, we configure the reference channel settings.
    We initially have two things to configure:
    • Reference channel - this is the channel on which we will be looking for specific values. We can only have one reference channel per cursor.
    • Search mode - this is the condition at which we will get the input channel’s value.
      We have 6 options:
      • Max - Dewesoft will output the value of the Input channel at the timestamp of the first maximum value of the reference channel.
      • Min - Dewesoft will output the value of the Input channel at the timestamp of the first minimum value of the reference channel.
      • Any edge - Dewesoft will output the value of the Input channel when the reference channel crosses a predefined value. This value is manually defined by the user after selecting this mode.
      • Rising edge - Dewesoft will output the value of the Input channel when the reference channel’s rising edge crosses the predefined value (the reference channel is rising). This value is manually defined by the user after selecting this mode.
      • Falling edge - Dewesoft will output the value of the Input channel when the reference channel’s falling edge crosses the predefined value (the reference channel is falling). This value is manually defined by the user after selecting this mode.
      • Manual - Dewesoft will find the value of the reference channel at a specified timestamp. The timestamp is manually defined by the user after selecting this mode.
  4. Delta values - when we have at least two instances of the Cursor module set up, we can calculate the delta values between the two of them. We do so by selecting one of the Cursors from the drop-down list.
  5. Cursor properties - here, we get to choose the color of the cursor.

Let’s make a cursor for each possible search mode. In the case of Rising edge, Falling edge and Any edge, let’s set the level to 0.5. In the case of Manual Search mode, let’s set the timestamp to 0.2. The input channel will be sine, and the reference channel will be a triangular signal.

Image: The image shows our cursor settings.Image: The image shows our cursor settings.


We will be able to see our cursors on channels that are assigned to Recorder widgets, so let's do that.

Image: Cursors on a Recorder widget.Image: Cursors on a Recorder widget.


In the above image, we can see the cursors in practice. Cursor 1, max, is positioned at the first maximum of the triangular channel, and Cursor 2, min, will be positioned at the first minimum of the triangular channel. Cursor 3 will be located at the first position where the triangular signal crosses the value 0.5, whereas Cursor 4 will be located at the point where the rising edge of the triangular channel crosses the value 0.5, and Cursor 5 where the falling edge crosses the value 0.5. Cursor 6 will be located at the timestamp of 0.2s.

With the exception of the Manual setting, all Cursors will be calculated based on the visible timeline. This means that, if we zoom into the file or move the zoomed-in region and recalculate, the cursors should be located at the points where the local conditions are fulfilled. 

Let's test this in practice- let's zoom in a little, then move the zoomed-in region. During the test, let's set the recalculation to Auto recalculation.

Image: The image shows the Cursors’ behavior if we use the zoom-in function.Image: The image shows the Cursors’ behavior if we use the zoom-in function.


We previously hinted at the functionality of this module; the Cursor module will return a value of an input channel when a condition for the previously defined reference channel is first met. This value will be returned in the form of a channel that can be further used in formulas or displayed on Widgets.

We should note that these are single-value channels, which means that they will hold one value for the entire duration of the datafile.

Altogether, each of these markers should give us 3 channels:

  • Value at cursor - this channel gives us the value of the Input signal that corresponds to the Cursor's position on the time axis.
  • Cursor - this channel gives us the cursor's position on the x-axis.
  • Search position - this channel tells us at which point we started the search.
Image: The image shows the output channels alongside the Cursors that are positioned on the graph. The first column displays the values of the Value at cursor channel; the second shows the values of the Cursor channel; and the third shows the values of the Search position.


At this point, let's point out that the module can linearly interpolate data and can therefore extract values with a higher precision than it would if it were to simply take the nearest synchronous or asynchronous sample.

To make an actual example; when we set the search mode to Any level and set the level to 0.5, the software took the two samples from the triangular channel that were the closest to this value—one was just above 0.5 and the other just below 0.5.
The software then extracted the exact time between these two points to find the time where the signal hit 0.5. Based on this time, the module also interpolated all the input channels we selected for the Cursor.

We are now equipped to add one more cursor that will display the Delta values functionality. Let's add Cursor 7, with sine channel as the input and the triangle signal as the reference signal. Let's also set the Delta cursor channel to Cursor 4 (Rising edge cursor).

Image: The image shows the setup of Cursor 7, which will highlight the delta functionality.Image: The image shows the setup of Cursor 7, which will highlight the delta functionality.


If we return to the Display, we get to see Cursor 7 on the graph. We can see that Channel 7 is once again set to the first maximum of the triangle channel on the visible X-axis.

The way this functionality works is that any inputs Cursor 4 and Cursor 7 have in common will be subtracted from one another, resulting in a new channel, [Input channel]/Delta. The module will also add an additional delta t channel, Cursor/Delta, which will give us the time difference between the two cursors/events.

Image: The image shows Cursor channels for Cursors 4 and 7, assigned to a Digital display widget. We added mathematical signs to better show how we get the Delta channels for the X-and Y- axes.Image: The image shows Cursor channels for Cursors 4 and 7, assigned to a Digital display widget. We added mathematical signs to better show how we get the Delta channels for the X-and Y- axes.


We can access the Cursor setup interface directly from the display. A Cursor icon is located at the end of the Data file preview, to the left of the Time selector icon.

Image: The location of the Cursor iconImage: The location of the Cursor icon


If we press the Cursor icon button, we will get a drop-down of all the Cursors we have. If we press one of the names, we will enter the corresponding cursor's channel setup.

Image: The moving image shows how to quickly enter Cursor setup mode.Image: The moving image shows how to quickly enter Cursor setup mode.


In case of a Cursor whose position we set manually and whose position depends on the time-axis, pressing the Cursor icon gives us yet another option; we can automatically move the cursor to the exact position of the yellow cursor, displaying the current timestamp of the datafile.

Image: The image shows the functionalities of the Cursor icon in case of a Cursor with Manual Search mode.Image: The image shows the functionalities of the Cursor icon in case of a Cursor with Manual Search mode.


As you know, there can be multiple different points within a datafile at which a certain value is exceeded by a reference channel, either as a falling edge or a rising edge. In such cases we can use the Input control widget, with Display type set to Control channel and Input type set to Next prev button.

Image: The image shows the location of the Input control widget.Image: The image shows the location of the Input control widget.


We will add 3 Input control channels: one for Cursor 3, one for Cursor 4, and one for Cursor 5. We will assign their corresponding Search position channels to the widgets.

Image: The image shows how we configure the Display to observe the movement of Crossing-type cursors along the X-axis.Image: The image shows how we configure the Display to observe the movement of Crossing-type cursors along the X-axis.


Image: The moving image shows how the Cursors can move along the X-axis with the use of an Input control widget.Image: The moving image shows how the Cursors can move along the X-axis with the use of an Input control widget.


When analyzing data, we are often only interested in specific information, such as the maximum, minimum, or RMS value of the signal. To make finding these values easier, Dewesoft provides a wide range of so-called Processing markers that are a valuable tool for conducting in-depth analysis and gaining insight from complex data sets.

Processing markers are used to analyze Vector or Matrix data that has been assigned to 2D or 3D graphs.

Processing marker types

Altogether, Dewesoft offers 16 different types of Processing markers; however, not all of them are available for all types of data, and not all of them can be added to channels assigned to the 2D graph widget and the 3D graph widget.
At this point, it might be useful to show which markers can be linked to Vector-type channels (such as FFT, CA pressure, CPB channels) and which can be linked to Matrix type channels (such as Order tracking channels). Additionally, we can note which graph we can use that particular marker type on.

Marker TypeVector dataMatrix data
Damping2D graph, 3D graphX
Delta2D graph, 3D graphX
Free2D graph, 3D graph3D graph
Harmonic2D graph, 3D graphX
Kinematic2D graph, 3D graphX
Max2D graph, 3D graph3D graph
Min2D graph, 3D graph3D graph
RMS2D graph, 3D graphX
Sideband2D graph, 3D graphX
Trigger2D graphX
Vector cut2D graph, 3D graphX
Time cut2D graph, 3D graphX
X cutX3D graph
Y cutX3D graph
X harmonic cutX3D graph
Y harmonic cutX3D graph

The table shows which markers can be assigned to which type of data.

If we would like to work with vector-type markers on a 3D graph, we should link the markers to async vector data.

In the following sections, we will learn how to use each of the abovementioned markers, how to add them to widgets, and how to configure their settings.

How to add a Processing marker to a channel on 2D or a 3D graph?

To add a marker to a channel, said channel needs to be assigned to either the 2D graph widget or the 3D graph widget. Once the channel has been assigned, we right-click on the widget and choose the Add marker option from the drop-down menu. This way, we will be able to choose from a list of markers that can be assigned to a specific channel.

Image: We can add a marker by right-clicking into a 2D or 3D graph.Image: We can add a marker by right-clicking into a 2D or 3D graph.


After adding a marker, we will immediately be redirected to the Marker setup, where we will be able to configure the marker to our wants and needs.
If we would like to add a marker to a channel that has been assigned to a 2D graph, we can do so even easier with Marker icons. All we have to do is choose a marker by its icon, then add it to the channel by left-clicking the widget.

Image: The moving image shows a visual presentation of how to add a marker to a 2D graph from Marker icons.Image: The moving image shows a visual presentation of how to add a marker to a 2D graph from Marker icons.


The added marker will always be in Current value mode, which allows us to easily track and monitor specific data points. Unlike previously, by adding markers via Marker icons, we will not be redirected to setup mode.

Marker icons can be found in the 2D widget's settings, under the Interaction tab.

Image: The image shows the Marker icons from the 2D graph widget settings. The icons, from left to right and top to bottom, are: Selection, Zoom, Damping marker, Delta marker, Free marker, Harmonic marker, Kinematic marker, Max marker, Min marker, RMS marker, Sideband marker, Time cut marker, Trigger marker, Vector cut marker, Cursor channel.Image: The image shows the Marker icons from the 2D graph widget settings. The icons, from left to right and top to bottom, are: Selection, Zoom, Damping marker, Delta marker, Free marker, Harmonic marker, Kinematic marker, Max marker, Min marker, RMS marker, Sideband marker, Time cut marker, Trigger marker, Vector cut marker, Cursor channel.


Once we are done adding markers, we simply press the Selection icon, which allows us to freely click on the graph, without adding a new marker.
By default, markers are linked to the channel they are added to. As a result, they can be displayed on every graph widget the channel is assigned to. However, we can always unassign markers from widgets, so that we can fully customize how we want to display them.
To do so, we simply select the graph we would like to unassign a marker from, then navigate to the Channel selector and choose the Markers tab. We can then select the marker we would like to unassign simply by pressing its name.

Image: The image shows how to unassign a marker from a channel.Image: The image shows how to unassign a marker from a channel.


When we link a marker to a channel on a graph, it will be displayed with a predefined color.

Image: We can see two markers, in red, displayed on different graphs.Image: We can see two markers, in red, displayed on different graphs.


When we hover over a marker, it will turn orange. When we click on the marker, its color will turn yellow if our background color is dark, and blue if our background color is light. Once the marker is selected, its value will be circled yellow on a dark background and blue on a light background.

Image: The image shows marker color changes with different actions and on a dark background.Image: The image shows marker color changes with different actions and on a dark background.


Image: The image shows marker color changes with different actions and on a light background.Image: The image shows marker color changes with different actions and on a light background.

 What is a marker table?

Depending on our display configuration, observed signal, and marker quantity added to the signal, it can sometimes be difficult to read the marker values directly from the widget. Additionally, if our markers are spread across multiple widgets, we might want to keep the marker values in an organized table so that we can later compare them.

In such cases, we can use the Marker table widget, which is designed for presenting different parameters/values of Processing markers at one location. We can add it to our display directly from Design mode as any other widget, and when we do add it, all the currently present markers will be shown in the table.

Image: The image shows the location of the Marker table widget under the Widgets tab.Image: The image shows the location of the Marker table widget under the Widgets tab.


Let's add another signal, for instance, an Order waterfall of a signal, to a 3D graph next to the 2D graph with the acceleration FFT. Let's also keep the Max marker on the FFT signal and add a Min marker to the Order waterfall.

If we now add the Marker table, we will be able to observe both signals on it.

Image: The image shows the result of adding a Marker table widget from the Widget section after adding two markers on separate graphs.Image: The image shows the result of adding a Marker table widget from the Widget section after adding two markers on separate graphs.


We can also add a Marker table by enabling the Show marker table option that can be found under the Display options Settings of the 2D or 3D graph widget. Thus, the markers connected to the channels on the graph whose legend is enabled will be the only ones displayed in this table.

Image: In this image, we enabled the option to Show marker table on the 2D graph. The table only contains the Max marker, linked to the FFT channel on the 2D graph.Image: In this image, we enabled the option to Show marker table on the 2D graph. The table only contains the Max marker, linked to the FFT channel on the 2D graph.


Since the Marker table is a widget, we can now adapt its settings to our needs. The first thing we can change is the Visual control, where we can choose between two options:

  • All channels - with this option, all markers from the visual display will be listed in the Marker table.
  • Selected channels - with this option, only the markers that are linked to specific channels will be listed in the marker table.

If we return to the two marker tables we’ve just added, the first table (that we added from the Widget tab) has the All channels option selected, while the second table (that we added from the 2D graph) has the Selected channels option selected.

Image: The two images show the difference between the Visual control setting options. Image a) displays the Marker table if All channels are selected, while Image b) shows the Marker table if only Selected channels are added to it.Image: The two images show the difference between the Visual control setting options. Image a) displays the Marker table if All channels are selected, while Image b) shows the Marker table if only Selected channels are added to it.


The second setting, called Edit columns, gives us the option to select which parameters we would like to see inside the marker table.

Image: The image shows the Marker table if all the column options are enabled.Image: The image shows the Marker table if all the column options are enabled.


We can choose between the following options:

  • Label- this is the label of the marker, which is also displayed on the widget. We can edit it by pressing the label and inserting a different name into the box that is triggered.
    Image: The moving image shows how a label change is realized.Image: The moving image shows how a label change is realized.


  • Type - this column tells us the type of the marker (in our case, Min and Max).
  • Online Status- tells us if the marker is in online or offline mode. When a marker is offline, additional recalculation is needed to display it.
    Image: The moving image demonstrates that we need to make a recalculation if we want to display an offline marker on a graph and see its values in the table.Image: The moving image demonstrates that we need to make a recalculation if we want to display an offline marker on a graph and see its values in the table.


  • Channel - tells us which channel is linked to the marker.
  • Color - shows the color of the marker.
  • X- shows us the X-axis value/range of the marker. If there is only one type of data, the X itself will be renamed as the X axis, i.e. Freq.
    Image: The image shows the difference in the two tables we have previously added to the display. The first one displays only markers from the same display, so the X axis is unified, and is equal to Frequency for all markers. On the other table, all the markers from the display are gathered. One graph’s X axis is Orders; the other X-axis is Frequency, so the column stays as X.Image: The image shows the difference in the two tables we have previously added to the display. The first one displays only markers from the same display, so the X axis is unified, and is equal to Frequency for all markers. On the other table, all the markers from the display are gathered. One graph’s X axis is Orders; the other X-axis is Frequency, so the column stays as X.


  • Y - is the Y value of the marker. If there is only one type of data, the Y will be renamed as the Y axis.
  • Z - is the Z value of the marker. In the same fashion as for X and Y, if there is only one type of data, the Z will be renamed as the Z axis.
  • Time - shows current time related to the yellow cursor position.
  • Value - gives us the output value of the marker.
  • Add info - gives us additional information about the marker. This is only shown when a marker is placed on the Order tracking data.
  • Mode - shows us the marker’s current mode. This can be Current value or Full History mode.
  • Edit - if we press this button, we will be redirected to the Marker settings.
  • Remove- pressing the (X) button will delete the marker in the corresponding cell.
    Image: The moving image demonstrates how to delete a marker directly from the Marker table.Image: The moving image demonstrates how to delete a marker directly from the Marker table.

How to configure the marker setup?

Up to this point, we have already added a Min and a Max marker and have already mentioned adjusting the Marker settings when zooming in and out of the graph. But how do we enter the Marker setup, and what do specific settings mean?

As we could see, adding a marker by right-clicking into the graph will automatically redirect us to the newly added marker's setup, and if we have a Marker table, we can enter the setup by pressing the Edit button there. If we added a marker with the Markers icon or if we would simply like to modify a pre-existing marker, there is another option we can use.
We first navigate to the graph and channel that have the marker we would like to modify. Once we have located the marker, we click on it to select it. Once selected, the marker will be circled in yellow.

Image: In the image, we can see a currently selected Max marker (red) and a non-selected Free marker (purple). We can see that the selected marker is circled in yellow.Image: In the image, we can see a currently selected Max marker (red) and a non-selected Free marker (purple). We can see that the selected marker is circled in yellow.


We then right-click on the marker, and a familiar options menu should appear. We select the Edit selected marker option and are then redirected to the Marker Setup.

Image: The options menu we get by right-clicking on a selected marker.Image: The options menu we get by right-clicking on a selected marker.


The Marker setup is split into the following sections:

Image: The Marker setup consists of 9 different sections.Image: The Marker setup consists of 9 different sections.



  1. Marker Mode consists of two options of how a marker will be presented:
    1. Current value - will only show the current marker value. We can interact with it while storing data, but we cannot use it as an input for other modules.
    2. Full History - all marker values will be stored and additional output channels will be created. These output channels can then be used as inputs (math channels) in other modules.
      If we move a marker that is set to Full History directly on the graph, we will have to recalculate the data in order for the marker value to be calculated.
  2. Input channel determines to which channel we will pin the marker we are currently adding. This is especially useful if we have multiple channels assigned to the same widget.
  3. Marker Scaling indicates the scale used to calculate the marker value. The widget's label on the graph will always take the scaling from the widget's Y-axis settings into account. The value in the Marker table and the channel value (which we can assign to a Digital meter) will always display a value based on the scaling from the Marker setup. There are 4 different scaling options:
    1. None - no scaling will be done.
    2. 0 dB - Scale in dB gives the best estimation of signal noise - if 0 dB is the maximum measurable value.
    3.  Sound dB  - the equation for calculating dB is: 20*log10(p/p0) where the p is our value and p0 is the reference of 20 uPa.
    4. Ref. dB - with the Ref. dB we define our own reference value.
      Image: The image shows the influence of Market scaling on the values.Image: The image shows the influence of Market scaling on the values.


  4. The Complex Presentation section gives us the option to choose the type of complex representation the data from the added marker will have. The marker will only appear on the widget if the complex presentation of the data and marker are the same, and is only available for certain channels, such as those from the Order Analysis module. We can choose between 6 different presentations:
    1. Magnitude
    2. Phase (deg) [-180°, - 180° ]
    3. Phase (rad) [-pi - pi ]
    4. Real
    5. Imaginary
    6. Phase (deg) [0°, 360°]
      Image: The moving image shows the behavior of markers in regard to the complex presentation of the 2D graph.
      Image: The moving image shows the behavior of markers in regard to the complex presentation of the 2D graph.


  5. The Marker Placement section gives us the option to allow marker placement between data points. When this option is disabled, the marker will always align with an actual data point (we can only place the markers on actual data points). When enabled, we can place the marker between two data points (in other words, we can place the marker freely), which means that the value between data points will be interpolated-as seen on the moving image.
    Image: The moving image shows the difference between the marker’s behavior when the functionality is enabled and disabled.Image: The moving image shows the difference between the marker’s behavior when the functionality is enabled and disabled.


  6. The Peak Search function helps us find peaks of data. There are two parameters we can configure:
    1. With Find peak in region +/-, we will select the region in which we want to locate the peak. This also means that we will not be able to find two peaks in this limited range.
    2. We can then enable the Interpolate peak option, with which we will be able to determine peaks between the graph spectral lines (between data points).
      1. This option uses 3 neighboring lines on both sides of the peak line to estimate the interpolated peak value and axis location. The interpolated amplitude value is calculated from the energy sum of all 7 lines. If this energy sum is too high compared to the original peak line energy, then there are multiple peak components, and we cannot determine an interpolated peak value. Thus, the calculated value will be the peak line value. The same will happen if the peak line value is buried in the noise floor. The interpolated peak axis location is derived from an energy-weighted calculation of the 7 lines.
        Image: The moving image shows the functionality of the Peak Search section.Image: The moving image shows the functionality of the Peak Search section.


  7. The Marker Color section allows us to select the desired marker color.
  8. The Line Thickness section allows us to select the thickness of the marker line on the 2D/3D graph. The options range from 1 to 5, with 1 being the thinnest and 5 the thickest line.
  9. In the last section, we can configure settings that are specific to the marker type we are currently working with. Instead of looking further into this section here, we will go through the settings in the following section, where we will introduce each marker type separately.

What is the Markers module?

We can say that the Markers module is, functionally, exactly the same as the Channels module, but for markers instead of channels. That means that the module gives us an overview of all the markers we have added to the widget, as well as a simple way of accessing the setup of each individual marker.

The Markers module can be added like any other module in (Channel) Setup by pressing the More tab and selecting Markers from the General section.

Image: The image shows how to add a Markers moduleImage: The image shows how to add a Markers module


The module has all the standard columns: Online and Store, Color, Name, Sampling, Sample rate, Data structure, Data type, Min and Maximum, Value, Unit, and Setup.

Image: The image shows an overview of the Markers module. Here, we have already added a few markers in Review mode to show the use of the module a little better.Image: The image shows an overview of the Markers module. Here, we have already added a few markers in Review mode to show the use of the module a little better.


A marker-specific column is the so-called Marker Mode, which enables us to easily change the mode of a marker (or multiple markers at once) from Current value to Full history and vice versa. To do so, we simply press whichever mode the marker is currently set to and choose the other mode from the drop-down menu.

Image: The image shows how to change the Marker mode from Current value to Full history and vice versa.Image: The image shows how to change the Marker mode from Current value to Full history and vice versa.

 A word on Marker channels

Whenever we make a new marker, this marker will create additional math channels for the X- and Y-axis; in case the marker was added to a 3D graph, the software will create a channel for the Z-axis as well.

These channels can be added to widgets, such as Digital and Analog meter, Horizontal and Vertical bar, Discrete display, Indicator lamp, and the Recorder widget. If we are working with Matrix-type data, we can assign the Z-axis marker to a 2D/3D table.

Image: We can display Marker channels on widgets.Image: We can display Marker channels on widgets.


We can also use these channels in mathematics from the Math module, but only if the Marker mode of the corresponding channel is set to Full history. If the Marker mode is set to Current value, we get an error.

Image: The image shows the behavior of Marker channels that are set to Current value, and those that are set to Full history. 'accelerometer/AmplFFT/Free_X_1' is set to Current value, so we cannot use it in the Math module.Image: The image shows the behavior of Marker channels that are set to Current value, and those that are set to Full history. 'accelerometer/AmplFFT/Free_X_1' is set to Current value, so we cannot use it in the Math module.


If we add a Vector cut, X cut, Y cut, X harmonic cut, or Y harmonic cut marker to a channel on a 3D graph, Z axis channels will be created, and these can be added to a 2D graph.

Image: The image shows an example of channels from markers from a 3D graph, assigned to a 2D graph. On the 2D graph, where Y-cuts are displayed, we can also see that the point where the X-cut crosses the Y-cut is marked with an X-cut marker. Image: The image shows an example of channels from markers from a 3D graph, assigned to a 2D graph. On the 2D graph, where Y-cuts are displayed, we can also see that the point where the X-cut crosses the Y-cut is marked with an X-cut marker. 


While we are on the topic of cut-type markers, it is important to note the following:
We can continue to link additional markers to cut-type marker channels (once we assign them to a 2D graph), as long as the cut-type markers are in Full history mode.

Let's say that we add two Vector cut markers to a 2D graph; one is in Full history mode and one in Current value mode. We now add the cut channels to two separate 2D graphs and try to add a new marker to each of the channels. If we try to add a new Free marker to a Full history type channel, we will be able to do so with no issues.
If we try to add a new Free marker to a Current value type channel, we will get an error: Input channel cannot be in '''Current value'' mode.

Image: Adding markers to marker channelsImage: Adding markers to marker channels


Image: The image shows a closer look at the error message.Image: The image shows a closer look at the error message.

Putting Processing markers into practise

In the following sections, we will look into each type of Processing marker separately on an actual dataset. This way, we will be able to easily see each type's key features and better distinguish when (and where) they should be used.

Free markers are markers that can be freely added to any position on the 2D or 3D graph. Their main function is to give us the X-axis value, which is usually the frequency, and the Y-axis value, which is usually the amplitude, at a desired point on the graph.

Let's check out the marker. To start off, we will add an FFT channel from an accelerometer to a 2D graph and an Order waterfall of this acceleration channel to a 3D graph.

We will first focus on the Free marker on the 2D graph. To make analysis easier, Marker mode will be set to Full history, and we will have no Marker Scaling. We will also allow marker placement between data, but we will not enable the Peak Search option. The marker will be red, and, to make visualization easier, the line thickness will be 3.

The Free marker setting is the Position source, which gives us two source options:

  • Manual - the position of the marker is defined manually by us. We do so by entering the desired value in the next field bracket, Position. To demonstrate this, we will set the position to 4000 Hz.
  • Channel - the position of the marker is defined by the current value of the channel we choose from the Channel drop-down menu. In our case, the reference channel will be ‘’accelerometer’’.
The image shows the Free marker setup.Image: The image shows the Free marker setup.


We set the Marker mode to Full history so that we can add the markers as mathematical channels and thus add them to the Tabular values display. We only made a mathematical channel for the X-axis to prove that, for a marker whose position is derived from a channel, the X-axis value will correspond to the value of the reference channel (in our case, ''accelerometer'').

The image shows the two markers on a 2D graph.Image: The image shows the two markers on a 2D graph.


We can divide the display into 6 sections:

The display we made in order to analyze the functionality of Free markers.Image: The display we made in order to analyze the functionality of Free markers.


  • Section 1.) Visually shows the positions of the two markers that were added to the FFT channel of the ‘’accelerometer’’ signal.
  • Section 2.) shows the ‘’accelerometer’’ signal on a Recorder widget.
  • Section 3.) shows the markers’ parameters in a Marker table.
  • Section 4.) shows the X-axis and Y-axis values for the first (light red) Free marker.
  • Section 5.) shows the Y-axis value for the second (dark red) Free marker.
  • Section 6.) shows the X-axis value for the second (dark red) Free marker and the ‘’accelerometer’ signal value in a Tabular display. If we pay attention, we can see that the two values at the given timestamp coincide, as is expected.

We can now take a look at the Free marker on the 3D graph. We can display both a Vector-type channel and a Matrix-type channel. In this case, the Marker mode will be set to Full history, and we will have no Marker Scaling. We will also allow marker placement between data. The markers will be red and purple.

For the Matrix-type channel, the Free marker-specific setting is the X-axis position (in our case, Orders) and the Y-axis position (in our case, Speed). We will set the Order position to 40 and Speed to 50 rpm.

For the Vector-type channel, the Free marker-specific setting is the X-axis position, which we will set to 4000 Hz, or we could (as in the case of a 2D graph), set the Position source to Manual.

The image outlines the setup differences in the case of a Vector-type signal vs. a Matrix type signal. As we can see, in the case of a Matrix channel, we can configure both the X and Y axes, but we cannot reference the position from a channel.Image: The image outlines the setup differences in the case of a Vector-type signal vs. a Matrix type signal. As we can see, in the case of a Matrix channel, we can configure both the X and Y axes, but we cannot reference the position from a channel.



In the image, we can see the final configuration of the display.Image: In the image, we can see the final configuration of the display.



The RMS marker is used to calculate the RMS value of the channel it is assigned to. To do so, the RMS marker will sum up all the FFT lines in the selected band.

Let's make an amplitude FFT of a signal consisting of two sine functions. We will now add this FFT signal to a 2D and 3D graph, and add an RMS marker to it.

As in previous cases, Marker mode will be set to Full history, and we will have no Marker Scaling. We will also allow marker placement between data. The marker will be red.

RMS marker-specific setting is the cursor position. In other words, we need to specify the area in which the RMS value will be calculated. In our case, the frequency range will be [1500 Hz, 5000 Hz].

The image shows the RMS marker setup.Image: The image shows the RMS marker setup.


The image shows how the markers are presented on the 2D and 3D graphs. To see the calculated RMS value, we added a Marker table, but we also assigned the RMS marker channel, SIGNAL/AmplFFT/RMS_1, to a Digital meter widget. The RMS on a frequency range [1500 Hz, 5000 Hz] is 4.5.Image: The image shows how the markers are presented on the 2D and 3D graphs. To see the calculated RMS value, we added a Marker table, but we also assigned the RMS marker channel, SIGNAL/AmplFFT/RMS_1, to a Digital meter widget. The RMS on a frequency range [1500 Hz, 5000 Hz] is 4.5.


If we want to change the region, we can do so simply by dragging the cursors between which the RMS value of the channel is calculated. If we change the area, the RMS value will automatically change as well.

The moving image shows a change in the calculated RMS value if we change the calculation range.Image: The moving image shows a change in the calculated RMS value if we change the calculation range.


Max marker

We will now use the Max marker to find the highest peaks (maxima) in the spectrum of the previously made FFT signal.

In this case, the Marker setup will look like this: We will configure the left part of the Marker setup exactly as we did in the previous cases, so that we can focus only on the Max marker-specific settings.

The image shows a standard setup for Max markers.Image: The image shows a standard setup for Max markers.


We need to define the following parameters:

  • In the drop-down menu of the Search forparameter, we can choose between:
    • Peaks - in this case, we will only be looking for values whose left and right neighboring points are smaller than the peak itself.
    • All maxima - in this case, we will be looking for the highest peaks in the spectrum, regardless of the neighborhood points.
  • Number of peaks - we need to specify how many peaks we would like to observe.
  • Set custom search area - if we enable this option, we need to specify the range in which we will be calculating the peaks.
  • Set threshold - if we enable this option, we need to specify the minimum value that still counts as a peak. If any of the peaks or maxima have a lower value than the threshold, they will not be shown in a Marker table or presented on the graph.

Let's look for 2 peaks in the frequency range [1000 Hz, 6000 Hz]. We will not be setting a threshold because we do not want to lose any peaks, given the channel we are working with.

The image shows how two Peaks are calculated for a given range. The markers have been added to both the 2D graph and the 3D graph, and we added both the Marker table as well as the Digital meter which gives us the X-axis and Y-axis values of the Peaks. The peaks can be found at 2031.3 Hz and 5400.4 Hz and have the values of 2.6 and 1.3.Image: The image shows how two Peaks are calculated for a given range. The markers have been added to both the 2D graph and the 3D graph, and we added both the Marker table as well as the Digital meter which gives us the X-axis and Y-axis values of the Peaks. The peaks can be found at 2031.3 Hz and 5400.4 Hz and have the values of 2.6 and 1.3.

We can now make a slight change and search for the first 6 maxima in this frequency range.

In this example, we changed the Search from Peaks to all maxima and changed the quantity from 2 to 6.Image: In this example, we changed the Search from Peaks to all maxima and changed the quantity from 2 to 6.


The image shows the result of the above change. As we can see, the maximum values in the data are located in the same peak.Image: The image shows the result of the above change. As we can see, the maximum values in the data are located in the same peak.

 If we are trying to link markers to a matrix channel (for instance, a Waterfall) instead of a vector-type channel, the settings for 3D graph Max markers (and the calculations) change.

We can still look for either the Peaks or the maxima. However, the peak function will now check the amplitude of 8 neighboring points around the center point value of a 3x3 matrix. For a point to be a Peak, the amplitude of at least one neighboring point has to be lower than the center point, and none of the 8 neighboring points should have an amplitude value higher than the middle (peak) point.

We can now go ahead and link a Max marker to an Order waterfall channel (matrix-type channel), which is assigned to a 3D graph.

The basic settings are still the same as they were in the case of a vector-type channel, with the exception that we can now define the search area for both the X-axis (Orders) and Y-axis (Speed). We can now configure some additional settings by pressing the Show advanced settings button. These settings are:

  • Threshold - with this option, we can define the Threshold for the found peak area, exactly as we did in the case of the 2D graph.
  • Limit peak closeness - with this setting, we define the peak width area—both the X-axis width and the Y-axis width. If there are multiple peaks inside the peak width area, only the center-most peak will be taken into account as a valid peak.
  • Peaks per order width - we can do so by defining the maximum number of peaks we want to present per order. We then also need to define the width of the order area (in what area we will be looking for the peaks). Once the defined peaks or maxima are found in order, we will try to find the next peak or maximum value in the data that needs to be in the defined range.
The image highlights the above text. The yellow frame presents the width of the X and Y axis, the black dot presents the valid Peak, the gray dots other peak values (that are not taken into account), and the purple square presents the order area.Image: The image highlights the above text. The yellow frame presents the width of the X and Y axis, the black dot presents the valid Peak, the gray dots other peak values (that are not taken into account), and the purple square presents the order area.

To start off, we will only configure the basic settings. We will look for the first 5 peaks in the Order range [0, 30] and the Speed range [0, 100].

The image shows the Max marker setup.Image: The image shows the Max marker setup.


On the image, we can see the first 5 Peaks. From the Marker table, we can see that all the Peaks have the same Speed (50 rpm). We have two pairs of Peaks where the X-axis value is the same, and one pair where the Max marker values are the same.Image: On the image, we can see the first 5 Peaks. From the Marker table, we can see that all the Peaks have the same Speed (50 rpm). We have two pairs of Peaks where the X-axis value is the same, and one pair where the Max marker values are the same.

We can now add the Advanced settings. We will not be setting the threshold, but we will set the other parameters. The X-axis peak area will be defined by 10 orders and the Y-axis peak area by 100 rpm. We will also limit the peaks to 2 per order and set the Orders width to 20.

The image shows our new setup with advanced settings.Image: The image shows our new setup with advanced settings.


The Max markers are now on different X-axis positions as they were on the previous graph, and we no longer have any markers that would share the X-axis value. 4 markers are located at 50 rpm, while the 5th one is located at 0 rpm. Likewise, no two Z-axis values are the same. However, if we were to compare the previous values with the current ones, we would see that the marker values are rather similar. Even more, the 1st and the 4th (and 5th) markers from the previous setup correspond to the 1st and 2nd markers from this setup.Image: The Max markers are now on different X-axis positions as they were on the previous graph, and we no longer have any markers that would share the X-axis value. 4 markers are located at 50 rpm, while the 5th one is located at 0 rpm. Likewise, no two Z-axis values are the same. However, if we were to compare the previous values with the current ones, we would see that the marker values are rather similar. Even more, the 1st and the 4th (and 5th) markers from the previous setup correspond to the 1st and 2nd markers from this setup.

 Min marker

Min markers operate the same way as Max markers, except that we use them to calculate the lowest valleys or minimum values in the spectrum. Let's use the same FFT signal of a sine function and link a Min marker to it.

The marker settings of a Vector-type channel will look exactly the same as they did for the Max marker. As previously, the Marker mode will be Full history, we will have no scaling, Marker placement between data will be allowed, and the marker will be red.

The image shows a standard setup for Min markers.Image: The image shows a standard setup for Min markers.


We can then define the Min-marker-specific parameters:

  • In the drop-down menu of the Search for parameter, we can choose between:
    • Valleys - in this case, we will only be looking for values whose left and right neighboring points are larger than the valley itself.
    • All minima - in this case, we will be looking for the lowest values in the spectrum, regardless of the neighborhood points.
  • Number of Valleys - we need to specify how many peaks we would like to observe.
  • Set custom search area - if we enable this option, we need to specify the range in which we will be calculating the valleys.

Let's look for 2 valleys in the frequency range [1000 Hz, 6000 Hz]. Unlike the Max marker, the Min marker does not have the option to set up a threshold, which means that we cannot define the minimum value that counts as a valley.

The image shows how two Valleys are calculated for a given range. The markers have been added to both the 2D graph and the 3D graph, and we added both the Marker table as well as the Digital meter which gives us the X-axis and Y-axis values of the Valleys. The peaks can be found at 5986.3 Hz and 3212.9 Hz. We can round the values of the valleys down to 0, although the Marker table shows their values up to the 8th decimal space.Image: The image shows how two Valleys are calculated for a given range. The markers have been added to both the 2D graph and the 3D graph, and we added both the Marker table as well as the Digital meter which gives us the X-axis and Y-axis values of the Valleys. The peaks can be found at 5986.3 Hz and 3212.9 Hz. We can round the values of the valleys down to 0, although the Marker table shows their values up to the 8th decimal space.


Now, let's take a look at the first 6 minima in this frequency range:

In this example, we changed the Search from Valleys to all minima and changed the quantity from 2 to 6.Image: In this example, we changed the Search from Valleys to all minima and changed the quantity from 2 to 6.


The image shows the result of the above change. As we can see, the minimum values in the data are located in the same two valleys.Image: The image shows the result of the above change. As we can see, the minimum values in the data are located in the same two valleys.


Unlike for Max markers, there are no Advanced settings for 3D graph Min markers linked to Matrix-type channels. The only difference between Min markers linked to a Vector-type channel on a 3D graph and Min markers linked to a Matrix-type channel on a 3D graph is the fact that we need to specify the custom search area for both the X-axis and Y-axis.

The image shows the Min marker settings if we try to link it to a Matrix-type channel.Image: The image shows the Min marker settings if we try to link it to a Matrix-type channel.

What happens if we add a Min or Max marker on a Zoomed-in area on a 2D graph?

Let's take the amplitude FFT of a signal consisting of two sine functions from the previous examples. We will now assign this FFT signal to a 2D graph and zoom in on the signal between the frequencies of 4000 Hz and 6000 Hz. We then decide we would like to add a Max and Min marker to the zoomed-in channel.

We assigned a SIGNAL/AmplFFT channel to a 2D graph, zoomed in on an area between 4000 Hz and 6000 Hz, and added a Max and Min marker. The observed maximum value is 1.309, and the observed minimum value is 0.Image: We assigned a SIGNAL/AmplFFT channel to a 2D graph, zoomed in on an area between 4000 Hz and 6000 Hz, and added a Max and Min marker. The observed maximum value is 1.309, and the observed minimum value is 0.



In this case, the marker value will be calculated from the area we are currently observing. If we were to edit the selected marker, we would be able to see that the custom search area option has been enabled and the area limits have automatically been set to the minimum and maximum frequency of the observed area.

On the image we can see that the Custom search area has been enabled.Image: On the image we can see that the Custom search area has been enabled.


We would now like to see the maximum and minimum value of the FFT signal over the entire frequency range, so we unzoom the 2D graph to its full range. To calculate the marker value to the full size, we need to either adjust the marker settings or disable the custom search area.

On the moving image, we can see how deselecting the checkbox to search on a custom-set area changes the area of interest to the full frequency range. The maximum value of the signal is now 2.638, while the minimum value remains 0.Image: On the moving image, we can see how deselecting the checkbox to search on a custom-set area changes the area of interest to the full frequency range. The maximum value of the signal is now 2.638, while the minimum value remains 0.


We use the Delta marker to display the X-axis (frequency) and Y-axis (Amplitude) difference between two different positions.

Let's use this marker to calculate the difference between the peaks of the sine signal's FFT. The basic settings will be set exactly as they were in all the previous cases. The Delta marker-specific setting we need to set is the Position of the two cursors that mark the area on which we would like to calculate the signals' difference. We have already calculated the X-axis of the two peaks with Max markers, and we will now enter these two values into the brackets. The first cursor will be at 1748.05 Hz, and the second at 4667.97 Hz.

The image shows the setup for a Delta marker.Image: The image shows the setup for a Delta marker.


The image shows a Delta marker on a 2D and 3D graph.Image: The image shows a Delta marker on a 2D and 3D graph.


As always, we got 2 markers—one notes the Delta value between the cursors in the X-axis direction, the other in the Y-axis direction. The X-axis column for the 2 markers gives the positions of the first and second cursor. We can see that the two peaks are 2919.9 Hz apart on the X-axis, and the difference between their amplitudes is 1.3.

We cannot link a Delta marker to a Matrix-type channel.

Imagine that we just intercepted an amplitude-modulated radio signal. We know that the carrier frequency was 1000 Hz and that the modulation frequency is 40 Hz. The equation of the signal is as follows:

Modulated signal =(1-sin(40)) * sin(1000)

We would now like to monitor the modulated frequencies to the left and right sides of the selected centerline. This is where the Sideband markers come in. Let's make an FFT of the amplitude modulated signal and assign it to the 2D and 3D graph. Now, let's add a Sideband marker with the same basic settings we used in all the other markers.

Sideband marker-specific settings are as follows:

  • Position source - here, we need to set up the source of the carrier frequency position.
    We can choose between two options:
    • Manual - this means that we need to manually set the position. If we select this option, then the net setting will be Position in which case we will need to insert the carrier frequency in Hz.
    • Channel - this means that we select a channel from which the carrier frequency position is determined. The net setting will then be a Channel dropdown menu, from which we will select the channel that will give us information about the carrier frequency position.
  • Number of bands - here, we choose how many bands to the left and right we want to display.
  • Delta - here, we will define the delta frequency between bands. For simple Amplitude modulated signals, this is the modulation frequency.
  • Lock fundamental frequency - if we enable this option, we will not be able to move the fundamental frequency once we exit the Marker setup. We should still be able to move the Sideband markers.

We will start off by manually setting the carrier frequency position at 1000 Hz. The number of bands will be equal to 1. We will start off setting the Delta to 40 (modulation frequency).

The image shows the initial setup of Sideband markers.Image: The image shows the initial setup of Sideband markers.


Like previously said, Sideband markers have one center marker and several equally spaced Sideband markers. We can select any one of the Sideband markers and move it to a different position. The other Sideband markers will then also move, maintaining the individual Sideband space.

The moving image shows what our setup looks like on a 2D and 3D graph. Initially, we could see that the center marker was located at 1000 Hz, with an amplitude of 0.9986. The sidebands were located at 960 Hz and 1040 Hz, with amplitudes of 0.4988 and 0.4998. We then moved the Sideband markers. As we could see, these markers can be used on a 3D graph as well, and they can be moved freely across the frequency spectrum.Image: The moving image shows what our setup looks like on a 2D and 3D graph. Initially, we could see that the center marker was located at 1000 Hz, with an amplitude of 0.9986. The sidebands were located at 960 Hz and 1040 Hz, with amplitudes of 0.4988 and 0.4998. We then moved the Sideband markers. As we could see, these markers can be used on a 3D graph as well, and they can be moved freely across the frequency spectrum.


We use Trigger markers to define a trigger level, and if this trigger level is exceeded by the signal the marker is linked to, the marker output changes from 0 to 1. We can therefore say that Trigger markers are used to monitor signals.

To observe how Trigger markers behave, we will take a signal that is a mixture of sine signals of different frequencies, make an FFT channel out of it, and assign it to a 2D graph. Let's keep in mind that we cannot link a Trigger marker to a channel that is assigned to a 3D graph.

When we add a Trigger marker, its setup looks like shown in the image below:

Trigger marker setup.Image: Trigger marker setup.


We once again set the Marker mode to Full history and make sure we do not have any Marker scaling. On the right side, there is only one Marker-specific setting: Position.

To properly display the functionality of the Marker type, we will make an experiment. We know that the FFT peaks' amplitude changes over time. Let's say that our system works properly when the amplitudes are between 0.13 and 0.10. In this case, we will set 2 triggers, a green one at an amplitude of 0.13 and a red one at an amplitude of 0.10. On the Marker table, we will enable the Y column so that we can keep track of the set positions of the markers.

We will assign the two channels we got, Pulse/AmplFFT/Trigger_1 and Pulse/AmplFFT/Trigger_2, to an Indicator Lamp widget to monitor when their value is 1 or 0.

To recap, the trigger output will be 0 if the channel (the marker is linked to) is below the trigger level. The output will be 1, if the channel (the marker is linked to) crosses the trigger level.

We will also add an equation to monitor at which Timestamps the FFT amplitudes are in the allowed range. To do so, we will make a new equation:

timestamps within bounds = if('Pulse/AmplFFT/Trigger_1'=0 or 'Pulse/AmplFFT/Trigger_2'=1,0,time)

If the lower amplitude marker (red) is 0, or if the upper amplitude marker (green) is 1, the formula's output should be 0. If the Lower amplitude marker is equal to 1, and the Upper is equal to 0, we are within bounds, and we will want to display the current timestamp.

As we already outlined in one of the previous chapters, we could add the Marker outputs into a formula because the markers were set to Full history.

The moving image shows the result of our experiment.Image: The moving image shows the result of our experiment.


We have now successfully created a tool that will help us monitor at which timestamps the system will work properly.

Damping markers are usually used in Modal Analysis, when we want to see how our transfer curve is damped. That means that we use Damping markers whenever we are interested in parameters, such as the quality (Q) factor, damping ratio, or the attenuation rate of a selected peak.

We should first define the parameters above.

  • Q (quality) factor—this is what we call damping. In FRF, the damping is proportional to the width of the resonant peak about its center frequency fc, and we can calculate it by determining the frequencies f2 and f1, corresponding to the points on the signal that are (usually) 3 dB below the peak level. The higher the Q, the narrower, and ‘sharper’ the peak is.
    The Q factor is defined as:
Q = fc/(f2 - f1)
The image shows the definition of the Q factor.Image: The image shows the definition of the Q factor.


  • Damping ratio - this describes the level of damping in a system. In other words, it measures how fast a system returns to its equilibrium position after we subject it to external force.
    The Damping ratio is calculated like this:
ς = 1/(2Q)
  • Attenuation rate - this rate describes how fast the gradual loss in intensity of any kind of flux through a medium is. Attenuation itself is usually measured in dB per unit length of the medium.

We can now use the Modal Test module to determine the transfer characteristics of a system- Frequency Response Functions (FRF). These are used to find the natural frequencies and Damping ratios of mechanical structures, so we can use these channels alongside Damping markers. Since FRT channels cannot be assigned to a 3D marker, we can make an FFT of the acceleration signal as well.

Once we have assigned the channels to the graphs, we can enter the Damping marker setup:

Damping marker setup.Image: Damping marker setup.

The left side of the setup is, once again, the same as for the other markers. Here, it might be good to note that we might want to work with different Complex presentations since Modal Analysis often deals with both Magnitudes and Phases. In this PRO training, we will keep the Complex presentation as magnitude, just to keep things a little shorter.

Damping marker-specific settings are:

  • Position source, which can once again be either Manual or Channel.
    • Depending on our position source we then either select the Channel, or set the Position.
  • Damping factor type- here, we choose between one of the following previously defined parameters:
    • Q factor
    • Damping ratio
    • Attenuation rate
  • Frequency cutoff limit - here, we choose how many dB below the peak frequencies f2 and f1 will be.

To highlight the markers functionality, we will link 3 markers to a 2D graph with a FRF channel and 3 markers to a 3D graph with an acceleration FFT channel. All markers will be configured the same, that is, their Position will be manually selected at 317.50 Hz (the FRF channel's highest peak), and the frequency cutoff limit will be the standard -3 dB. The Damping factor type will be different for each of the 3 markers on an individual graph.

In the image, Damping markers are displayed on the 2D and 3D graph.Image: In the image, Damping markers are displayed on the 2D and 3D graph.


We have now determined the Q factor, Damping ratio, and Attenuation rate for the highest peak of an FRF signal. The values can be read off of the Marker table in the image.

In Order tracking analysis, harmonic monitoring is vital. Lucky for us, Harmonic markers enable us to quickly identify harmonics of the fundamental frequency in the spectrum.
For a proper demonstration of the Harmonic markers functionalities, we have recorded a signal from an accelerometer positioned on a motor. As in the other examples, we make an FFT of the acceleration (acc) signal and assign it to the 2D graph.

We can now link a Harmonic marker to the acc FFT signal. The settings for this type of a marker are pictured in the image below:

Settings of the Harmonic markerImage: Settings of the Harmonic marker


Settings that are specific to Harmonic markers are as follows:

  • Harmonic position source - here, we choose if we will set the position of the first harmonic Manually or from a Channel. If we choose Manual, we will need to set the position in the next step; otherwise we will have to choose a channel.
  • Harmonic count - here, we choose how many harmonics we would like to look at (if there are that many)
We can enable the Harmonic marker at any frequency, and it will mark the harmonics of the selected fundamental frequency (if there are any).

We will set the first harmonic position at 415.93 Hz and want to see the first 4 harmonics. From theory, we should be seeing peaks in the FFT signals at:

  • 415.93 Hz * 1 = 415.93 Hz
  • 415.93 Hz * 2 = 831.86
  • 415.93 Hz * 3 = 1247.79 Hz
  • 415.93 Hz * 4 = 1663.72 Hz
The image shows a Harmonic Marker on the 2D and 3D graph.Image: The image shows a Harmonic Marker on the 2D and 3D graph.


We can see that the calculated values correspond nicely with the actual peaks on the graph.

We can also pick and drag the fundamental frequency through the FFT spectrum; the harmonics will automatically follow.

In the moving image, we can see how we can move Harmonic Markers.Image: In the moving image, we can see how we can move Harmonic Markers.


We use Kinematic markers to identify the bearing frequencies and bearing faults.

If we want to use Kinematic markers, we have to add an Envelope detection math channel and we need to have at least one bearing in our bearing database.

Let's first focus on the bearing database. This is where we select the type of machinery, and it includes bearing data, such as the cage, rolling element, outer race, inner race, and the frequency at which the component has a peak in the frequency domain.

Here's how we add a new bearing:

  • We open the Options menu and navigate to the Editors dropdown menu.
  • From there, we select the Kinematic cursor option.
    Location of the Kinematic cursor editor.Image: Location of the Kinematic cursor editor.


  • Once we have opened the Kinematic Cursors editor, we can add a new Kinematic cursor by pressing the (+) button. We can then set a new Cursor name.
    Adding a new Kinematic cursor.Image: Adding a new Kinematic cursor.


  • We can then add individual components by pressing the (+) button or append a pre-existing bearing by pressing the Append bearing button.
    Here’s how we can customize bearing.Image: Here’s how we can customize bearing.


  • We should remember to save the changes by pressing the Save button in the upper-right corner.

For the purpose of this PRO Training, we made custom Kinematic cursor data:

The image shows our Kinematic marker data.Image: The image shows our Kinematic marker data.


In the Math module, we can now add Envelope detection math. Our input will be an acceleration signal called Signal. In addition to this signal, we also used a Tacho to measure the TTL rotation signal. We will use it to measure the rotation speed.

The image shows the location of the Envelope detection math.Image: The image shows the location of the Envelope detection math.


We then also need to set the channel, calculated with Envelope detection math, as an input channel to the FFT analysis module.

The image shows the two newly created channels.Image: The image shows the two newly created channels.


To determine the rotation speed of the motor, we use the Angle sensor math. The relevant signal will be called TTL/frequency.

The image shows the setup of the Angle sensor math channel.Image: The image shows the setup of the Angle sensor math channel.


We can now add a 2D graph to our display and assign our channel, Signal/Envelope/AmplFFT, to it. After that, we can set up Kinematic marker settings.

In this case, we will set our Marker mode to Full history, Marker scaling to none, but we will Allow marker placement between data. We will also set the Peak search region to 3 Hz, and allow the software to interpolate the peak.

Kinematic marker-specific settings are:

  • Kinematic cursor - here we need to assign the appropriate marker from the Kinematic cursor editor.
  • Position source- here we can choose between two modes:
    • Channel, in which case the next step will be to select the proper channel.
    • Manual, in which case we will have to manually insert the Frequency of rotation. The  frequency of rotation determines the position of the kinematic markers and can be defined in Hz or RPM.

We will set the Kinematic cursor to the previously created Kinematic cursor. Then, to switch things up a little, we will set the Position source as Channel, specifically, TTL/Frequency. Since we have calculated the rpm value, we could also manually insert it. In our case, this value would be 1490.79 rpm.

The image shows the Kinematic marker setup.Image: The image shows the Kinematic marker setup.


The kinematic markers are positioned at frequencies that are defined in the Kinematic cursor database. We can also see that the values are well aligned with the measured peaks of the FFT signal. On the Marker table, we can see which mechanical part the frequency is related to.

The image shows the position of the Kinematic markers on a 2D graph.Image: The image shows the position of the Kinematic markers on a 2D graph.


Vector cut marker

The functionality of the Vector cut marker is pretty straight-forward: they output the selected region of a spectrum as a new vector channel. In other words, we use these markers when we would like to only look at a small part of a vector channel.

Let's say we have a signal that consists of multiple sine functions. When we make an FFT of this signal, we get 4 peaks. We are only interested in the region around the middle two, so we use Vector cut markers to make a new channel to assign to a 2D and 3D graph.

The Vector cut marker settings are straight-forward as well:
Besides the basic settings, all we need to set is the Position of the first and last cursor. Please do note that we can also move the markers directly on the graph to change the position.

In the image, we can see the Vector cut marker settings.Image: In the image, we can see the Vector cut marker settings.


The image shows the functionality of the Vector cut marker. The 2D and 3D graphs directly below the Marker Table show the FFT channel of the original signal. The purple cursors are the Vector cut marker. The bottom two graphs show SIGNAL/AmplFFT/VectorCut_X_1. To make things easier, we have colored the signal purple as well.Image: The image shows the functionality of the Vector cut marker. The 2D and 3D graphs directly below the Marker Table show the FFT channel of the original signal. The purple cursors are the Vector cut marker. The bottom two graphs show SIGNAL/AmplFFT/VectorCut_X_1. To make things easier, we have colored the signal purple as well.

 Time cut marker

We could say that Time Cut markers are Free markers with enabled Full-History mode that can be linked to a Vector-type channel on a 2D or 3D graph.

The actual functionality of the marker type is best explained in an example, so let’s take the signal from the previous section- a signal that consists of multiple sine functions, whose FFT signal gives us 4 peaks. Let’s add this channel to a 2D graph and 3D graph, and let’s link a Time cut marker to it.

The image shows the Time cut marker setup.Image: The image shows the Time cut marker setup.


When we enter the Marker's settings, we can see that the Marker mode is automatically set to Full history mode, and that we cannot change it. Let's set the Marker scaling to none, and allow marker placement between data. We can then set its Position source as Manual, and set the position to its 4th peak: 322.27 Hz.

We can now assign the Marker channels to a Recorder widget.

The image shows channels, assigned to their respective widgets.Image: The image shows channels, assigned to their respective widgets.


We can now follow how the actual frequency (that was theoretically set to 322.27 Hz) deviates in time.

X and Y cut markers

The X and Y cut markers can only be linked to Matrix-type channels assigned to a 3D graph. They work in a similar fashion to the Vector cut markers on the 2D graph, meaning that they output a new vector channel, corresponding to one spectrum of a reference bin we define.

The above paragraph is easier to understand based on an actual example. Therefore, let's take the signal from an accelerometer we've measured and a TTL signal and use them in an Order tracking module. Out of all the channels we get, Order waterfall and FFT waterfallwill be of most interest to us since they are both Matrix-Type channels. Let's go ahead and assign them to a 3D graph. We will now link an X and Y cut marker to each channel.

The image shows an Order waterfall (left) and an FFT waterfall (right)Image: The image shows an Order waterfall (left) and an FFT waterfall (right)


On the left side of the Marker setup, we will once again be prompted to choose the Marker mode, Marker Placement, and Marker Color. On the right side, we will get to choose the Position source, which can be a Channel (in which case we will be prompted to select the channel) or Manual, in which case we will manually have to insert the chosen Y- or X- axis position.

To make things easier, let's specify the X and Y axes of the two channels. In this example, we will manually insert the axis positions, so let's specify these values as well, while we're at it:

  • accelerometer/Order waterfall:
    • X axis: Orders = 15
    • Y axis: Speed = 100 rpm
  • accelerometer/FFT waterfall:
    • X axis: Frequency = 4000
    • Y axis: Speed = 100
The image shows how we’ve set up the X- and Y- cut settings for both channels.Image: The image shows how we’ve set up the X- and Y- cut settings for both channels.


The added markers will be presented on the graph as planes (in the marker's color), indicating a cut. Simultaneously, each one of these cuts will create a channel (as mentioned previously) that we can display on the 2D graph. These channels will present the channel value on the Y-axis in relation to the parameter we have specified while making the cut.

From the image, we can see what the X- and Y- cut Markers look like in an example. With arrows, we also indicate which 2D graph channels are derived from which channel.Image: From the image, we can see what the X- and Y- cut Markers look like in an example. With arrows, we also indicate which 2D graph channels are derived from which channel.


We can also move the markers directly on the graph, or add multiple X- or Y- cut markers on one graph:

The moving image shows additional functionalities regarding the X- and Y- cut Markers.Image: The moving image shows additional functionalities regarding the X- and Y- cut Markers.

 X and Y harmonic cut markers

X and Y harmonic cut markers operate exactly the same as Harmonic markers, with the exception of being linked to Matrix-type channels on 3D graphs. That is, they enable us to quickly identify harmonics of the fundamental frequency in the spectrum. Additionally, we will, as with X- and Y- cut markers, get a Vector-type channel of all the harmonic cuts that we can assign to a 2D graph.

Let's show this with an actual example. This time, we will use one channel - accelerometer/Order waterfall, and we will link an X-and Y- harmonic cut to it.

The setup is the same as it was for the Vector-type channels;  on the left side, we select the Marker mode, Marker scaling, Marker placement, and Marker color. On the right side, we select the Harmonic position source (in our case Manual), the First harmonic position, and the Harmonic count.

For our channel, accelerometer/Order waterfall, the positions will be:

  • X axis: Orders = 5
  • Y axis: Speed = 40 rpm

We will be looking at the first 4 orders.

The image shows the X- and Y- harmonic cut marker setup.Image: The image shows the X- and Y- harmonic cut marker setup.


In the end, we get the following results:

The image shows our final display. In the Marker table, we can see the positions of all the harmonics. The middle graph is our Matrix-type accelerometer/Order waterfall channel. On its right side, we have all 4 X-harmonic cut channels, and on its left side, we have the Y-harmonic cut channel for the first harmonic. As you can see, the Y-cut marker channel is characterized by X-harmonic cut markers, so that we can see exactly where the markers overlap.Image: The image shows our final display. In the Marker table, we can see the positions of all the harmonics. The middle graph is our Matrix-type accelerometer/Order waterfall channel. On its right side, we have all 4 X-harmonic cut channels, and on its left side, we have the Y-harmonic cut channel for the first harmonic. As you can see, the Y-cut marker channel is characterized by X-harmonic cut markers, so that we can see exactly where the markers overlap.


As in the previous cases, the markers can be moved freely directly on the 3D graph widget, and we can link multiple markers of the same type to the same channel.